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[Sep 4,2009 9:56pm - PappasGRIND ""]
i didnt want to do it but i felt the world should see my new move:

[Sep 4,2009 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]
neat, too bad you guys didn;t play a song at nedf.
[Sep 4,2009 10:11pm - PappasGRIND ""]
i wanted to but she was being a wicked bitch about it
[Sep 5,2009 1:22am - PappasGRIND ""]
new band tommorow first pratice at 3 i wanna suck yo dick
[Sep 5,2009 10:54am - xmikex ""]
If anyone is looking for a bass I just threw mine out on the curb in defeat.
[Sep 5,2009 11:59am - PappasGRIND ""]
ha thanks buy my bass neck!

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