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Super gay garden in millbrook, ny

[Sep 5,2009 10:43am - gslice  ""]
that I will no doubt be drug to by my little lady...

[Sep 5,2009 1:50pm - slymo ""]
shit, i want to go to that!
[Sep 5,2009 2:52pm - gslice  ""]

also super gay
[Sep 5,2009 7:58pm - longdeadgod ""]
there are worse gay places to end up

[Sep 5,2009 8:21pm - the_reverend ""]
how is penisfreegsrden gay? or is it like the porno "where the boys arent"
[Sep 6,2009 9:03am - gslizzle  ""]
it's implied, the rocks are like balls, trees are like dicks and the geese are the hot man spunk

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