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Does your internet lag at night? Is this a peak hours thing?

[Sep 5,2009 9:05pm - Hoser ""]
WTF...I watched a vid on youtube at 3pm today with no problem. It's 9:16 and the same video is taking forever to stream....WTF.
[Sep 5,2009 10:52pm - Arist ""]
What's your service? cable does slow down on peak hours cuz it's shared through your local area. Fios doesn't and I'm pretty sure DSL is steady bandwidth if you're within distance
[Sep 5,2009 10:57pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Arist said:What's your service? cable does slow down on peak hours cuz it's shared through your local area. Fios doesn't and I'm pretty sure DSL is steady bandwidth if you're within distance

what he said
[Sep 5,2009 11:22pm - archaeon ""]
Comcast used to be RETARDED at night hours at home. Now at school its slow all the time because this wireless network sucks.
[Sep 6,2009 12:49am - the_reverend ""]
not really. my router is fucking up though.
[Sep 6,2009 9:20am - gslizzle  ""]
my internet at college was atrocious any evening or day off, lucky for me I was off campus so I only had to deal with it between classes
[Sep 6,2009 11:34am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
When I had satellite internet I had to deal with bullshit bandwidth limits. If your internet provider has any sort of limits, then most likely that's the case.
[Sep 6,2009 12:07pm - gslizzle  ""]
oh yeah, when I lived in a trailer in the woods I had satellite with similar limitations, I guess they charged more if you went over you're limit, lucky for me I wasn't paying for it, eat it landlords
[Sep 7,2009 8:42am - Hoser ""]
It's annoying. I have Metrocast, which is our big monopoly up here. If you bitch about it, they offer you the names of competitors that can meet your needs. Competitors = 0.
[Sep 7,2009 10:10am - pam ""]

Hoser said:It's annoying. I have Metrocast, which is our big monopoly up here. If you bitch about it, they offer you the names of competitors that can meet your needs. Competitors = 0.

Only have 1 choice for utilities too, right? Funny how that's supposed to be illegal, eh? That's why my gas company is trying to sue me for gas used at my old apartment 3 months after I moved out.
[Sep 7,2009 2:04pm - Where is my stimulus check?  ""]

pam said:
Hoser said:It's annoying. I have Metrocast, which is our big monopoly up here. If you bitch about it, they offer you the names of competitors that can meet your needs. Competitors = 0.

Only have 1 choice for utilities too, right? Funny how that's supposed to be illegal, eh? That's why my gas company is trying to sue me for gas used at my old apartment 3 months after I moved out.

If making it illegal didn't work, what do we do next?

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