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Attn Metal Thursday or any booking folk: next time Metalian come around Boston/NE area

[Sep 13,2009 10:54am - boblovesmusic ""]
Please try to book this show:

Hot On The Heels
old school attitude/sounding band of your choice

k thx!
[Oct 1,2009 1:29pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Hot On The Heels
Steel Assassin

Let's do it!
[Oct 1,2009 1:33pm - aril  ""]
When are you going to start booking shows?
[Oct 3,2009 3:28pm - boblovesmusic ""]
someday maybe heh
[Oct 3,2009 3:43pm - alexc ""]
its not that hard to book a show wren. ill help you book this one if you want. i really want to play with metalian
[Oct 3,2009 3:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Check your FB, Alex.

And if people keep me updated as to when these dudes come back around I'll try to put it together.
[Oct 3,2009 3:51pm - boblovesmusic ""]
you know, I might take you up on that offer for the help. Figured we could get Metalian to play Boston on Nov 4th, the day before their Jerkys show.
[Oct 3,2009 3:52pm - boblovesmusic ""]
O'Briens isn't booked for the 4th fyi.
[Oct 3,2009 3:54pm - RichHorror ""]
If anyone knows these dudes and can find out if they're available/interested in that date in Boston I can almost definitely lock it down.
[Oct 3,2009 3:58pm - RichHorror ""]
Also, pretty sure HOTH would be unavailable around then because of the Revocation tour. That's why they dropped off my show on the 13th.
[Oct 3,2009 4:10pm - boblovesmusic ""]
just messaged Metalian on myspace. We'll see where that goes.
[Oct 3,2009 4:59pm - boblovesmusic ""]
no response yet...
[Oct 3,2009 5:02pm - RichHorror ""]
haha, you mailed them not even an hour ago.
[Oct 3,2009 5:04pm - boblovesmusic ""]
still no response
[Oct 3,2009 5:13pm - slymo ""]
metalian is playing nov 5th at jerkys again with us (bonestorm)
[Oct 3,2009 5:14pm - slymo ""]
i did not book the show jeff did
[Oct 4,2009 12:11am - boblovesmusic ""]
got a response! They'd be totally down with playing, but the catch is that they can't bring any gear or instruments into the country (lame I know). So if they could borrow some equipment, they'd love to play!

What do you guys think?
[Oct 4,2009 1:04am - DrewBloodMobile  ""]
I'll wear a half shirt and a pair of zumbas to this show.
[Oct 4,2009 7:36pm - slymo ""]
we already agreed to hook them up with our gear. (except for drums)
[Oct 4,2009 8:00pm - gslice  ""]
I know Death Is Easy from Albany did a split with them (I think) and usually drive them around to shows and such if you wanted to see if they could get on the bill/provide equipment
[Oct 5,2009 2:40pm - RichHorror ""]
O'Briens is definitely available, I can lock that date down if there's a definite lineup and etc.
[Oct 5,2009 2:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

alexc said:its not that hard to book a show wren.

booking shows is easy... making them run smoothly however is difficult.
[Oct 5,2009 5:02pm - boblovesmusic ""]

gslice said:I know Death Is Easy from Albany did a split with them (I think) and usually drive them around to shows and such if you wanted to see if they could get on the bill/provide equipment

hmm good idea! Death Is Easy is kick ass. Messaging them now...
[Oct 5,2009 5:04pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Alex, are you sure Razormaze could play that day at o'briens?
[Oct 5,2009 5:05pm - RichHorror ""]
I messaged Metalian to see if they still want it. I'm sure a local would be fine with letting them use their gear. I don't see the need to get another out of town band on this as opposed to just giving the lion's share of the money to Metalian.
[Oct 5,2009 5:14pm - boblovesmusic ""]
i see your point. Haven't messaged them... yet (we should bring them by for a show sometime in the future)
[Oct 5,2009 5:17pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I dropped Alex a line about this too. I just figure if dudes are coming from Canada we should try to get them the biggest bang for their buck so they go back home thinking Boston is fucking awesome.
[Oct 5,2009 5:25pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Since HOTH is out of the question, we could get that Cromulent band to open. I think they would fit the bill pretty nicely. (feel free to disagree)

[Oct 5,2009 5:28pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm into it. Just waiting on the confirm from Metalian and this show is on.
[Oct 5,2009 5:30pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Oct 5,2009 5:31pm - RichHorror ""]
Are Cromulent all over 21? The vocalist sounds young as shit.
[Oct 5,2009 5:33pm - boblovesmusic ""]
they've played O'Briens before I think
[Oct 5,2009 5:55pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm excited for this! Glad this is falling into place a bit.
[Oct 5,2009 7:26pm - RichHorror ""]
I went ahead and confirmed with the club since you said they already were into it and I don't want to have the date go to someone else. Beast Over Boston and/or Sad Wings Of Destiny would be cool for this too. I'll have a lineup figured out real soon.
[Oct 6,2009 4:03pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 6,2009 10:33pm - RichHorror ""]
Metalian just got back to me, they're into it! Alex if you read this hit me up and let me know if Razormaze is still into playing.
[Oct 6,2009 11:27pm - boblovesmusic@coolidge  ""]

This is most exciting! Thanks Rich for doing this!
[Oct 7,2009 12:13am - RichHorror ""]
Now hopefully Razormaze and others can play and share gear.
[Oct 17,2009 10:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Beast Over Boston is on this bad larry.
[Oct 21,2009 6:01pm - boblovesmusic ""]
it says that the show's been canceled. What happened?
[Oct 22,2009 9:41am - boblovesmusic ""]
:( ?
[Oct 22,2009 9:57am - RichHorror ""]
Shit happens.
[Oct 22,2009 10:38am - love_is_a_fist ""]
yo what ever happened to this? i never heard about it...? (this is sam from razormaze)
[Oct 22,2009 11:11am - RichHorror ""]

RichHorror said:Shit happens.

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