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PHP hosting?

[Mar 30,2004 11:46pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
So Im trying to put this shockwave "radio station" on my web site that lets people stream music of my choice, its not working at all and I just read that I need php hosting for this. I dont know what php hosting is, but since the radio station isn't working I'm assuming I dont have it.

I'm told that this site was done with PHP, you have any advice arron?
[Mar 31,2004 9:25am - succubus ""]
aaron won't see this until later...

i can try and add my 2 cents...yes, aaron codes in PHP and he redid my site in PHP for me too, your webserver host needs to support it, most do, you just need to code the site in PHP instead of html.

i could be wrong and i guess we'll see in a few hours...
[Mar 31,2004 9:31am - RustedAngel ""]
basically if the company you're hosting the site through doesn't support php (they most likely do)...

to test if your server supports php try this:

create a text file, save it as 'test.php'.

inside the document put in



upload it to the server and load the page through the browser and if a long list of infomation you don't understand shows up you have php.
[Mar 31,2004 4:14pm - succubus ""]
ohhh lookit little bro in action
[Mar 31,2004 4:16pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I saw this, but didn't have anything to add.
[Mar 31,2004 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, except you a server, you can create any page with a .php extention.
if you click on it and something displays... then your server supports php.
if you click on it and it tries to download, then it doesn't
[Mar 31,2004 9:41pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
"What about MySQL, MSACCESS, and PHP?
Unfortunately, FreeWebs does not offer these functions."

there ya have it.

you guys know of any free hosts that support php?
[Mar 31,2004 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
free hosts don't offer shit.

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