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Great American Hardcore Fest? More like Criminal Fest

[Sep 18,2009 6:13pm - succubus ""]
I fuckin hate thieves.

Get a FUCKIN job instead of stealing people's shit you fucker!

Someone HAD to see something...speak up and don't be a coward...

[Sep 18,2009 6:14pm - cav nli  ""]
would assume its one of the other photographers. one of the other photographers who will be there ALL weekend. rev kick some hardcore-poser ass!!
[Sep 18,2009 6:39pm - the_reverend ""]
one of the other guys got a 50mm stolen from his bag.
[Sep 18,2009 7:08pm - boblovesmusic ""]
shit that's awful...
[Sep 18,2009 7:09pm - timma ""]
Lame dude. What the fuck is wrong with people?
[Sep 18,2009 7:14pm - the_reverend ""]
i posted on theb9 since this fuckhead probably already drove mommy and daddy's car home and is in their room posting on the b9 about which girls give head.
[Sep 18,2009 7:20pm - not wigger slam  ""]
what a faggot. no one likes a theif on the tier. check his ass into PC.
[Sep 19,2009 1:12am - thuringwethil ""]
holy shit u guys, I am so sorry THAT SUCKS!

I once put on a HC show at school (many moons ago of course) and someone's goddamn POWER AMP got stolen!

what is up with all this? :o(
[Sep 19,2009 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
shitty people acting shitty. fuck.
[Sep 19,2009 1:41am - porphyria  ""]
well it was most likely one person involved, no need to blame the entire fest eh?

No one probably noticed because the person probably looked very inconspicuous.
[Sep 19,2009 1:42am - ZenErik ""]
[Sep 19,2009 2:08am - goatcatalyst ""]
Kill faggots.
[Sep 19,2009 2:16am - xgodzillax ""]
im the token hardcore kid on this board and the fact that a 'hardcore' kid stole from a photographer, let alone rev, pisses me the fuck off. its shit like this that really hammers the coffin nails in the hardcore 'scene'. i graduated high school ten fucking years ago and bein apart of the hardcore 'scene' is a regression back to freshman year.

rev, get at me. i have a lens for my film slr that i dont use at all. its a vivitar 35-70mm 1:35-4.8 macro focusing zoom 52mm. i dont know if it would help, but id be willing to give it to you on principal
[Sep 19,2009 1:31pm - pam ""]
Fucking scumbag. Nice way to treat someone who supplies all of NE with free photography.
[Sep 19,2009 1:32pm - pam ""]

xgodzillax said:im the token hardcore kid on this board and the fact that a 'hardcore' kid stole from a photographer, let alone rev, pisses me the fuck off. its shit like this that really hammers the coffin nails in the hardcore 'scene'.

Dicks in every crowd, dude. Doesn't look bad on hardcore kids, looks bad on dickhead pieces of shit.
[Sep 19,2009 1:48pm - xgodzillax ""]
i understand that. it just makes me look even worse since im the one who defends hardcore on this board. its just bullshit in all regards
[Sep 19,2009 2:29pm - Lamp nli  ""]
What, you think you're the only one?
[Sep 19,2009 9:06pm - RobinG ""]
I'm more hardcore than anyone.
[Sep 19,2009 9:07pm - RobinG ""]
Actually shit gets stolen at clubs in America don't tag a music scene to it.
[Sep 19,2009 10:06pm - goatcatalyst ""]
In Soviet Russia, club steals you!
[Sep 21,2009 3:08pm - gslice  ""]
this is lame

benefit show, do it
[Sep 21,2009 3:56pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]

Lamp%20nli said:What, you think you're the only one?

[Sep 21,2009 3:59pm - MikeOv  ""]
Stolen goods? Pfft. It's not a real hardcore show unless someone gets stabbed in the forehead.
[Sep 27,2009 2:50pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]
Why ya cryin when someboday got played. Get Right with GOD yall. Forgiviness and EqualityWe all the same u kno u do the same if u in they sheos. Thats what happens when sum got more an sum less.
[Sep 27,2009 4:15pm - the_reverend ""]
cant stop wont stop.
[Sep 27,2009 4:18pm - gslice works for AAA  ""]
gittin ma bread
[Sep 28,2009 1:49am - HTB  ""]

not%20wigger%20slam said:what a faggot. no one likes a theif on the tier. check his ass into PC.

what do you know about that shit?
[Sep 28,2009 7:11am - reimroc ""]

HTB said:
not%20wigger%20slam said:what a faggot. no one likes a theif on the tier. check his ass into PC.

what do you know about that shit?

8 months @ 269 treble cove rd billerica. nothing special. place is a kiddie camp.

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