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Lol u lose

[Sep 20,2009 4:46pm - The New York Jets  ""]
Niggas couldn't play fo real. Nov 22nd u be goin down 2. Props to our muthafucking rookie qb niggas!!
[Sep 20,2009 4:47pm - dreadkill ""]
props to revis and the defense
[Sep 20,2009 5:30pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Nah, I didn't lose, the Pats did.
[Sep 20,2009 5:37pm - BlackoutRick ""]

dreadkill said:props to revis and the defense

I agree fully. No props to the fuckin refs and the NY fans who had to be called to cheer louder. Fuckin gay.
[Sep 20,2009 6:12pm - reimroc ""]
We will turn around and shove our cocks up their faggoty asses when we play them again on nov 22nd.
[Sep 20,2009 6:28pm - Joe Namath  ""]
I was starring in pantyhose ads the last time this team won a meaningful game.
[Sep 20,2009 6:43pm - BSV  ""]
sloppy game
i can't believe how fucking fat rex ryan is.
[Sep 20,2009 7:19pm - Joe Namath  ""]
Rex Ryan was shopping in the husky section at Woolworths the last time our team won a Super Bowl.
[Sep 20,2009 11:18pm - dreadkill ""]

BSV said:sloppy game
i can't believe how fucking fat rex ryan is.

i think you've summed it up perfectly, josh. both teams kind of looked shitty, with the pats looking shittier than the jets. rex ryan makes charlie weis look slim.

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