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NASA Cloud Seeding Rocket Causes Strange Light Occurance

[Sep 22,2009 12:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I'm willing to bet there is a direct correlation between this and the obnoxious amount of contrails (or chemtrails) that have been littering our skies over the past year.


[Sep 22,2009 12:56pm - Martins ""]
NASA > conspiracy theories
[Sep 22,2009 1:06pm - aril  ""]

NASA = conspiracy theories.
[Sep 22,2009 1:11pm - gslice  ""]
pretty sure I saw this on my way out to rochester, it was pretty sweet, certainly not something I'd have flipped shit about
[Sep 22,2009 1:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
more on this

[Sep 22,2009 1:13pm - Martins ""]

aril said:Wrong.

NASA = conspiracy theories.

Oh yeah, sorry.
[Sep 22,2009 1:14pm - aril  ""]

Martins said:
aril said:Wrong.

NASA = conspiracy theories.

Oh yeah, sorry.

do your research on NASA coverups!
[Sep 22,2009 1:14pm - Yeti ""]
there is a huge writeup on this on abovetopsecret.
[Sep 22,2009 1:23pm - Martins ""]

aril said:
Martins said:
aril said:Wrong.

NASA = conspiracy theories.

Oh yeah, sorry.

do your research on NASA coverups!

Don't care enough and care less now that you told me to.
[Sep 22,2009 1:25pm - aril  ""]
you'll care when you're life is directly affected. typical ignorant
[Sep 22,2009 1:28pm - Martins ""]
Maybe if you were less of a douche in real life.
[Sep 22,2009 1:29pm - sacreligion ""]
He makes a good point. You can read up on this as much as you want but what good will that do? The same bullshit is just gonna happen anyway. 1 out of 100,000 people being well-read and giving a shit about current events that affect the world doesn't help if the rest of the population doesn't care or even want to care.
[Sep 22,2009 1:30pm - Yeti ""]
it almost seems worse for the educated, they are the ones that lose sleep.
[Sep 22,2009 1:31pm - Martins ""]
Exactly. I know and have read up on a bunch of conspiracy theories and coverups but what good does it do? It wastes my time and doesn't stop anything.

Let's say for a moment 9/11 was an inside job. OMG BUT WE ALREADY KNEW THAT. Okay... and...
Now what?
[Sep 22,2009 1:32pm - sacreligion ""]
Viva la revolucion!
[Sep 22,2009 1:32pm - aril  ""]
free thought never killed the human soul.
[Sep 22,2009 1:33pm - Martins ""]
Nothing will change haha.

America will be too fat and lazy to make any changes.
[Sep 22,2009 1:33pm - Yeti ""]
agreed, and i'm not saying i'll stop reading, but Sac had a point as well.
[Sep 22,2009 1:34pm - sacreligion ""]

aril said:free thought never killed the human soul.

You're right. It just causes other people to kill you first.
[Sep 22,2009 1:37pm - aril  ""]
so basically it's okay to be ignorant to the powers that be, but only matters if you have the power to change something? most of us are indeed powerless to change anything that really matters. but that's not a reason to avoid occurances or situations.

what happened to striving for a heightened intellectual society? oh wait, that died with the renaissance. this world is completley brainwashed, I'm glad to at least take the time to question what i'm fed and what we think "reality" is
[Sep 22,2009 1:39pm - Martins ""]
I'm not saying that people should believe what they're told but that even if they don't believe, it doesn't change anything. Unless you have a large arsenal of weapons.
[Sep 22,2009 1:39pm - sacreligion ""]
Dude I'm just saying that we're fucked. We're fucked we're fucked we're fucked. Might as well join the stupid party. At least they're having a good time.
[Sep 22,2009 1:39pm - aril  ""]
to put it bluntly:

some of you guys need to philosophize more often!
[Sep 22,2009 1:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dont understand whats wrong with spreading knowledge. no one is forcing anyone to act on it. awareness is a vital resource imho.
[Sep 22,2009 1:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

sacreligion said:Dude I'm just saying that we're fucked. We're fucked we're fucked we're fucked. Might as well join the stupid party. At least they're having a good time.

i'm treating it more as someone who knows he is terminally ill. i'm doing my best to accomplish all of my wishes and dreams before the apocalypse.
[Sep 22,2009 1:41pm - Martins ""]
Well, I'm mostly arguing because this is either a repost or I saw it on Digg yesterday.

Chemtrails are probably real. 9/11 was probably an inside job. We've probably never been to the moon. Aliens have indeed been to earth and contacted us. We will all die in 2012.
[Sep 22,2009 1:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
live it up. everyone should have this approach to live anyways. i feel liberated with this attitude. no sense in worrying about what cant be changed... only what can be.
[Sep 22,2009 1:44pm - sacreligion ""]
[Sep 22,2009 1:45pm - aril  ""]
i might as well just take myself out now
[Sep 22,2009 1:45pm - Martins ""]
hahaha didn't click but read the URL
[Sep 22,2009 1:49pm - aril  ""]
i've found a reason to care about the future of humanity and it's because i want to see my son grow up in a society that is free of such lies and deceipt; yet as time goes on i'm becoming more and more fed up with what we're fed through mainstream media outlets and the government alone. and I listen to metal. one would think i'm an ideal candidate for a domesitc terrorist.
the only thing we can do with out social status is to become politically active and spread the word.
or arm ourselves and prepare for another revoluationary war.
eitherway, we're messed up. carpe diem, yes, BUT being mentally prepared and intellectual stimulated in the process won't hurt.
[Sep 22,2009 1:52pm - sacreligion ""]
I am convinced that this is the only answer.

[Sep 22,2009 2:58pm - Martins ""]
Well you have a kid. My reason to live is my new Parker and next-gen Final Fantasies. You can see where we differ.
[Sep 22,2009 3:08pm - MikeOv  ""]
Maybe in the FEMA camps they can provide us all with a simulated reality program based off of Final Fantasy, and it will be just that, the final fantasy for humanity. Gosh, I can't wait!
[Sep 22,2009 3:16pm - Yeti ""]

aril said:i've found a reason to care about the future of humanity and it's because i want to see my son grow up in a society that is free of such lies and deceipt

that is something that no one without a child can understand. my co-worker and i have these discussions a lot, she shares a lot of the same views that i do, but she has a son and can't see it as negatively. i am all for self-awareness and education, but i do feel powerless. that's why i feel that open eyes are a double-edged sword. i love seeing the world differently, but hate feeling so crushed by it.
[Sep 22,2009 3:17pm - sacreligion ""]
Existence is Futile lol
[Sep 22,2009 3:20pm - MikeOv  ""]
Let's start a militia, it's within our rights as U.S. citizens. Man up.
[Sep 22,2009 3:21pm - aril  ""]
if you boil everything down and take a look at the big picture, we're truly living at a crossroads of humanity.

we're living in the world of globalization and corrupt governments where society is completely run by the wealthy elite, pharmeceutical companies, oil companies, etc.

humanity is bound for destruction. why not celebrate it with heavy metal?

that being said, there's going to be a global awakening soon, regardless of whether or not you believe the 2012 hype. something is going to happen big time in the next 10 or so years, mark my words and bump this thread when it does.
[Sep 22,2009 3:22pm - MikeOv  ""]
Note: the call for a militia was NOT a joke.
[Sep 22,2009 3:22pm - sacreligion ""]
RTTP will become self-aware and outlast the apocalypse.
[Sep 22,2009 3:24pm - aril  ""]
itt: rttp militia is an awesome idea, but we'll be labeled as domestic terrorist and have all of our constitutional rights slashed right in front of our eyes
[Sep 22,2009 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
RTTP will become self-aware at 2:15 AM Eastern Standard Time on August 29th, 1997.
[Sep 22,2009 3:25pm - Yeti ""]

aril said:itt: rttp militia is an awesome idea, but we'll be labeled as domestic terrorist and have all of our constitutional rights slashed right in front of our eyes

and that's different from what's happening now, how?
[Sep 22,2009 3:26pm - aril  ""]

Yeti said:RTTP will become self-aware at 2:15 AM Eastern Standard Time on August 29th, 1997.

[Sep 22,2009 3:26pm - sacreligion ""]

Yeti said:RTTP will become self-aware at 2:15 AM Eastern Standard Time on August 29th, 1997.

I have this hilarious image in my head of Aaron getting an IM from the RTTP server like Dwight in that episode of The Office.
[Sep 22,2009 3:26pm - Martins ""]
poo poo
[Sep 22,2009 3:26pm - aril  ""]
I remember sitting around on August 29th 1997 waiting for my electronics to move. but i was extremely disappointed in James Cameron for getting my hopes up.
[Sep 22,2009 3:26pm - MikeOv  ""]
Fine by me. Then in the eyes of our government, the Minute Men were domestic terrorists . The same domestic terrorists who sacrificed themselves for the land we live in. Die on your feet or die on your knees? The latter doesn't seem too appealing.
[Sep 22,2009 3:31pm - Martins ""]
I'll die on my hands doing a handstand.
[Sep 22,2009 3:32pm - MikeOv  ""]
And no one will care.
[Sep 22,2009 3:34pm - Martins ""]
[Sep 22,2009 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I know someone that saw this.
[Sep 22,2009 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
up next, a super long set of songs about clouds.

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