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[Sep 24,2009 12:07pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
The Northeast should break off from the rest of the country and form a new nation with nova scotia, and the cooler parts of Canada. The border should extend into new york until it reaches one of their shitty cities.

I bet our economy would do fine then.

I just really hate the midwest and California is all...and NJ
[Sep 24,2009 12:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya we'll get right on that
[Sep 24,2009 12:10pm - mIkeofdeCrePitude ""]
No hate for Connecticut?
[Sep 24,2009 12:14pm - arktouros ""]

mIkeofdeCrePitude said:No hate for Connecticut?

[Sep 24,2009 12:40pm - Doomkid ""]
It'd give CtBorderPatrol his dream job at least.
[Sep 24,2009 12:44pm - Martins ""]
Where's the Arillius Militia?
[Sep 24,2009 12:50pm - aril  ""]
In formation.
[Sep 24,2009 1:16pm - Yeti ""]
i don't want to live in Canadia.
[Sep 24,2009 2:58pm - sever ""]
12% of our GDP goes to fund things that have nothing to do with New England.
[Sep 24,2009 3:02pm - xmikex ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:the cooler parts of Canada.

Fail summed up.
[Sep 24,2009 3:03pm - aril  ""]
Civil unrest is inevitable; but a secession would nearly be inpossible unless the American dollar dies out.
And it looks like there's a few years left on the dollar (JUDGING BY THE G-20 SUMMIT THAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW!) until we let the banks take control and collapse our economy yet again.

Audit the fed and expose the true evil of this once great nation, then reconstruct everything based off of the good of the once dominant middle-class.
[Sep 24,2009 3:05pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
red states have been leeching off blue states for decades, and yet they are the ones belly aching for less government. its like your deliquent older brother living at your mom's house well into his thirties and giving her shit for doing his laundry the wrong way.
[Sep 24,2009 3:07pm - aril  ""]
The problem with this country is the top 1% wealthiest people have more money than the bottom 95% COMBINED.

'tis not a democracy, but a government based off of private firms and bankers.. which is exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned us against. If you want to secede from this nation, I'd be down - you could join the militia we're forming. but I'd rather see the truth exposed and this great nation rebuilt from the bottom up. That's real change, not Obama's false hope of change (more importantly how can you change the country when financial oligarchs are dominating his cabinent?)
[Sep 24,2009 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
i want to secede, but i'm not that strong, i'm not that strong.
[Sep 24,2009 3:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

DrewBlood@Work said: its like your deliquent older brother living at your mom's house well into his thirties and giving her shit for doing his laundry the wrong way.

haha thats my brother
[Sep 24,2009 3:55pm - Martins ""]

aril said:The problem with this country is the top 1% wealthiest people have more money than the bottom 95% COMBINED.

'tis not a democracy, but a government based off of private firms and bankers.. which is exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned us against. If you want to secede from this nation, I'd be down - you could join the militia we're forming. but I'd rather see the truth exposed and this great nation rebuilt from the bottom up. That's real change, not Obama's false hope of change (more importantly how can you change the country when financial oligarchs are dominating his cabinent?)

[Sep 24,2009 4:01pm - Brian Martins  ""]
lol im so cool
[Sep 24,2009 4:04pm - Martins ""]
Every time you use my full name like that, I do a google search to make sure I don't show up. I have many years of applying for jobs ahead.
[Sep 24,2009 4:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
California is quite nice. perhaps alot of the people suck and the midwest has Yellowstone and Grand teton. I'd start a tribe and live in the vallies. You guys can have fun fucking eachother over money and fancy cars.
[Sep 24,2009 9:20pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
if we secede, we must start building grand monuments of stone like the egytians and romans did. mt rushmore was one of the last great monuments that has a lifespan past the next false-flag attack
[Sep 24,2009 9:24pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
if we were to go along tribal lines, northern maine is predominantly acadian french as well as parts of nova scotia. acadia and quebec could be an allies either with us or against us

[Sep 24,2009 10:25pm - Conservationist ""]
I agree. Also there are Acadians in Louisiana...
[Sep 24,2009 11:25pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]
Man why yall gotta hate like dat? What if a playa like yo shit betta than his own broke azz hood You cant stop a playa and his bros from movin in.

Yall need to get right with the almihgty GOD and quit playin dat crazy azz pagan tribal shit We all One Big Tribe.
[Sep 24,2009 11:37pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

DrewBlood@Work said:red states have been leeching off blue states for decades, and yet they are the ones belly aching for less government. .

seeing as I now live in a red state, i don't get this statement. How do red's leech off the blue's?
[Sep 25,2009 12:21am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Well you see, the problem is fundamental, the federal reserve is the devil.

The last time national debt was zero was when Jackson ended the central bank, which was the precursor to the fed. reserve.

I also think the way money is created in america is retarded to a point beyond retardation

the government gives the federal reserve notes in exchange for money...then this money is deposited and 9 times that amount can be loaned out, and then that money in turn can be deposited and the bank can loan nine times that amount

Put it this way. If your bank alone counted up all its reserves it could technically loan out nine times that much money to customers.

the beautiful thing to is the government borrows from the federal reserve on interest.... and there is more debt plus interest owed to the reserve than there is money in the whole country.

this is also why a dollar of today is equal to 24 dollars of 1913, because the more money we have the less valuable it becomes
[Sep 25,2009 12:29am - ernie  ""]
it doesnt take that much insight to see how money is fake and centering your life around it is a waste
[Sep 25,2009 12:33am - ernie  ""]
move somewhere else if you can find better, or quit your bitching.
[Sep 25,2009 10:26am - Conservationist ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
DrewBlood@Work said:red states have been leeching off blue states for decades, and yet they are the ones belly aching for less government. .

seeing as I now live in a red state, i don't get this statement. How do red's leech off the blue's?

It's bullshit -- the blue states are in claiming that red states use up more government funds, which may be true, but they're not taking other factors into the balance like value returned, including essential value like crops and manufacturing.

More elitist bullshit from the desk jockeys.

They're also not counting the number of minorities, who tend to be impoverished, who live in red states

For example, here in Texas our social costs are high, but this city is 1/3 white.
[Sep 25,2009 10:55am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

ernie said:it doesnt take that much insight to see how money is fake and centering your life around it is a waste

I don't give a shit about money, but I do care about not being poor the rest of my life.

There is great difference between lusting for money and wanting a semi decent, secure job
[Sep 25,2009 11:01am - sever ""]

ernie said:move somewhere else if you can find better, or quit your bitching.

people like you allow this to become a status-quo. if you don't bitch, nothing will change. this isn't about money becoming a centerpiece of your life, it's about people in charge of money in the first place being insanely corrupt. it's about the system not working for the people that are forced into it.
[Sep 25,2009 12:35pm - Conservationist ""]
It's about civilization decaying to the point where our values don't correspond to reality.
[Sep 25,2009 5:44pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

ernie said:move somewhere else if you can find better, or quit your bitching.

[Sep 25,2009 5:55pm - sever ""]

Conservationist said:It's about civilization decaying to the point where our values don't correspond to reality.

civilization's values never corresponded to reality. there hasn't been any kind of sane progression of events since pre-civilized times. the natives had it right, but we killed them off.
[Sep 25,2009 10:27pm - swamplorddvm ""]

sever said:
Conservationist said:It's about civilization decaying to the point where our values don't correspond to reality.

civilization's values never corresponded to reality. there hasn't been any kind of sane progression of events since pre-civilized times. the natives had it right, but we killed them off.

Yup. Animal husbandry was a good idea at first but look where it got this planet.
[Sep 26,2009 7:30am - sever ""]

swamplorddvm said:
sever said:
Conservationist said:It's about civilization decaying to the point where our values don't correspond to reality.

civilization's values never corresponded to reality. there hasn't been any kind of sane progression of events since pre-civilized times. the natives had it right, but we killed them off.

Yup. Animal husbandry was a good idea at first but look where it got this planet.

what i'm trying to say is that the natives knew how to live a sustainable lifestyle. they did it for thousands of years and they could have done it for thousands more. us on the other hand? we couldn't do that if our lives depended on it. ironic, because at some point our lives will.
[Sep 26,2009 10:24am - Kadooganobody  ""]

[Sep 26,2009 10:26am - Kadooganobody  ""]
I don't agree with it 100%, but the man had some very, very good ideas. Granted some could use a little updating, but for a 104 year old book it holds up nicely.
[Sep 26,2009 10:27am - Kadooganobody  ""]
Or just bring HG back from the dead and let him run things. That's my plan.
[Sep 26,2009 10:40am - DrewBloodMobile  ""]
Holy crap, I think I accidentally trolled myself a troll.

And by leeching of the blue states I mean that we pay more taxes to the government and get less money back while red states pay less taxes and get more money back. The south and big red meaty chunks of the midwest (except IL and MN for some odd reason...) are largely subsidized by the federal government. My post was more about the hypocrisy of conservatives living in red states complaining about big government while they receive the majority of government benefits.
[Sep 26,2009 11:16pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]
Dude yall crazy man. We gonna bring this all together soon yall just gotta quit hatin. OBAMA BIDEN 2012. Bet
[Sep 27,2009 12:16am - xgodzillax ""]
this thread is lacking in ignorance.


[Sep 29,2009 1:37pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

DrewBloodMobile said:Holy crap, I think I accidentally trolled myself a troll.

And by leeching of the blue states I mean that we pay more taxes to the government and get less money back while red states pay less taxes and get more money back. The south and big red meaty chunks of the midwest (except IL and MN for some odd reason...) are largely subsidized by the federal government. My post was more about the hypocrisy of conservatives living in red states complaining about big government while they receive the majority of government benefits.

IL and MN have two large cities, Chicago and Minneapolis/St Paul, that could be why.
[Sep 29,2009 1:56pm - JustinSteele ""]
Amendment: I'm an amendment to be, yes an amendment to be,
and I'm hopin' that they'll ratify me.
There's a lot of flag burners who have got too much freedom.
I wanna make it legal for policemen to beat 'em,
cause there's limits to our liberties.
'Least I hope and pray that there are,
cause those liberal freaks go too far.
kid: Well why can't we just make a law against flag burning?
Amendment: Because that law would be unconstitutional.
But if we changed the Constitution...
kid: Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws!
Amendment: Now you're catching on!
Bart: What the hell is this?
Lisa: It's one of those campy 70's throwbacks that appeals to Generation-X'ers.
Bart: We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little.
Kid: What if people say you're not good enough to be in the Constitution?
Amendment (singing):
Then I'll crush all opposition to me,
and I'll make Ted Kennedy pay.
If he fights back, I'll say that he's gay.
Congressman: Good news, Amendment! They ratified ya! You're in the U.S. Constitution.
Amendment: Oh yeah! Door's open, boys.

Now deal with that!
[Sep 29,2009 1:57pm - JustinSteele ""]
I truly believe that song explains the ills of this nation.
[Sep 29,2009 1:59pm - arktouros ""]
Homer J. Simpson said:In theory, communism. In theory.
[Sep 29,2009 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
so its true! some cartoons DO encourage violence!

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