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Jay Severin off the air again

[Sep 29,2009 10:03am - the_reverend ""]

Jay Severin may never do another show on any Boston radio station. Or he may. At this point it might be just way too much of embarrassment and somewhat of a credibility issue for the embattled WTKK 96.9FM afternoon host to face the music after this latest episode of embellishing his educational/professional achievements.

It now turns out that Severin never received a Master's degree from Boston University(story ink courtesy of the Boston Herald). Although his 'Best and Brightest' may not be the readers of the low-brow Herald or missed the original Globe story, the news about the talkshow host's inaccuracies is getting out there and competing radio station hosts who are always way too happy to mention and make fun of Severin's resume inconsistencies on their shows. Interestingly enough, Infinity has edited Boston University Master's degree out of their September 16th press release announcing Severin's new national syndication deal. While it was mentioned here that Severin may show up for the start of Fall ratings book last Thursday(9/22), he remained off air.

Severin's incumbent Boston station WTKK 96.9FM is apparently keeping him off the air for another week(Sean Hannity's synidcated show(3-6) and midday hosts Jim Braude and Marjorie Eagan(6-7pm) are covering 3-7pm slot).

Some say WTKK management may be waiting out and hoping for the noise about Severin's non-accomplishments to die down a bit. Other sources claim that Severin is being kept off the air because WTKK wants a deal from Infinity to retain him once he goes into national syndication on January 1st. [Ed. Note : That theory actually makes sense -- WTKK wouldn't want to be a lame duck outlet for the next three months if Severin is heading to another outpost in the market(very likely WBZ) after 6 years at 96.9. They'd rather pay him and keep him off the air than allow him to walk away to a competitor the day after his 96.9 deal ends.]

In any case, radio is a game of numbers, not of public relations strategies -- the longer Severin remains off the air on WTKK, the more likely his audience would be looking around for something else on the radio in the afternoon drive -- Howie Carr on WRKO would be likely get some sizeable traction from the vanished Severin on 96.9FM. Both talk show hosts share a good percentage of their listeners.
[Sep 29,2009 10:05am - aril  ""]
It is somewhat disturbing that you have an obsession with this man, and feel the need to inform the rttp public about every little thing that happens to this man or stuff he says.

Being taken off the air was his god-given right.
[Sep 29,2009 10:21am - AndrewBastard  ""]
I love this guy but I guess I missed what he said this time to get the boot...

I enjoy Smercomishs show as well though...
[Sep 29,2009 10:50am - the_reverend ""]
I like schmeeeerblah when he does his show (sat?). His interviews are decent. I don't care for him when he does Severin's show. If you read this, he's off the air cause he lied about his education. I know people that say they won't listen to him if he did in fact lie about BU
[Sep 29,2009 10:54am - largefreakatzero ""]
Shocking, he doesn't have a degree. You can listen for 5 minutes and realize the guy is just another blowhard moron.
[Sep 29,2009 10:55am - aril  ""]
That's because it's your god-given right to lie about his education
[Sep 29,2009 10:57am - Martins ""]
The guy is an entertainer. Whenever I caught his show, I would listen... because it was hilarious.
[Sep 29,2009 11:02am - the_reverend ""]

Martins said:The guy is an entertainer.
That is exactly what I said.
[Sep 29,2009 11:13am - aril  ""]
it's his god-given right to be an entertainer.
[Sep 29,2009 11:21am - narkybark ""]
it's your god-given right to keep saying that.
[Sep 29,2009 11:30am - ouchdrummer ""]

largefreakatzero said:Shocking, he doesn't have a degree. You can listen for 5 minutes and realize the guy is just another blowhard moron.

Well, I think he is an asshole, and has completely fucked views of EVERYTHING; but i think that after 5 minutes of listening to him anyone would realize that he's not a moron. He's actually a pretty smart and entertaining guy.. but like i said, a complete asshole.
[Sep 29,2009 11:33am - AndrewBastard  ""]
seriously...the guy so well spoken it's absurd.
[Sep 29,2009 11:34am - the_reverend ""]
that's like how people say obama is a good speaker. I just don't see it.
[Sep 29,2009 12:21pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Obama is...he just needs to the teleprompter...bum dum ching!

no, I think they are both excellent public speakers but with different agendas obviously.
[Sep 29,2009 12:24pm - aril  ""]
obama is a puppet for the NWO. FACT.
[Sep 29,2009 12:26pm - arktouros ""]
it's his god-given right to be a puppet.
[Sep 29,2009 12:33pm - aril  ""]
damn right it is.
[Sep 29,2009 1:01pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Jim and Margery are my fav TKK show anyway...

their report is unmatched...
[Sep 29,2009 1:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I have a god righten right to not like jim and margery. I love when Jim and Jay get together. I hate when Margery and Graham get together.
[Sep 29,2009 1:19pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I write emails into J+M all the time from work. Anytime you here them referance hilarious emails from Andrew, it's probably me...
[Sep 29,2009 1:24pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Jim and Margery were my favorite when I lived there. jay has sucked since 2003. Does Jim still say "visa vee" every other word?
[Sep 29,2009 1:54pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i like J&M, i'm entertained by JS, and i fucking HATE M.Graham. What a fucking duchebag! Michael Graham on the other hand is not well spoken, and his lies are blatant and absurd.
[Sep 29,2009 2:00pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Graham can amuse me from time to time but generally annoys the shit out of me...

I end up listening to that station from 9-5 everyday...
[Sep 29,2009 2:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I listen to it a lot while i drive, which is usually 2-6hours a day. The only other radio stations i listen to are 98.5(sports hub) and occasionally 99.5. If we had a classical station that played more than the same 30 compositions i would listen to them all day.
[Sep 29,2009 2:11pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Jay Severin--Catch Me If You Can
Boston Radio Watch ^ | 09/27/05 | Boston Radio Watch
Posted on Tue Sep 27 2005 10:24:53 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by raccoonradio

Sep 27 2005

Posted on Tue Sep 27 2005
[Sep 29,2009 2:30pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I got to NPR sometimes...total opposite
[Sep 29,2009 2:31pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah? Well it's MY god-given right to fight Jay Severin or I may be struck down as a pussy.
[Sep 29,2009 2:32pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I like NPR, but in the van i currently drive for work the antenna is broken.... and i don't get NPR.
[Sep 29,2009 3:07pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
He's back on now...

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