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$800 on college books depreciation.

[Sep 29,2009 3:37pm - xanonymousx ""]
yep could of had a nice new guitar, but instead 5 books. egh:pukeface:
[Sep 29,2009 3:38pm - Pires ""]
hey look on the bright side, at the end of the semester you'll get $60 to buy a new vitya game when you trade the books in.
[Sep 29,2009 3:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
another reason why school is for fools
[Sep 29,2009 3:41pm - brian_dc ""]
that's even without trying your damnedest to find them online?
[Sep 29,2009 3:41pm - xanonymousx ""]

Pires said:hey look on the bright side, at the end of the semester you'll get $60 to buy a new vitya game when you trade the books in.

oh i know, happened two me three years ago when i went to return a $300 USED math book...
dude gave me $30 for it.
[Sep 29,2009 3:52pm - timma ""]
I don't know which was worst about college...the fortune I spent on books, or waking up at 5am to register for classes.
[Sep 29,2009 3:52pm - arktouros ""]
Online you can find them for 1/3 of the price, but the catch to that is they may take a month to arrive, and sometimes the teachers rarely or never use it in class. I usually got poor Asian country paperback versions of my CS and math books, when I found out that the class actually used them.
[Sep 29,2009 3:54pm - aril  ""]
one of my literature classes required 17 books.
[Sep 29,2009 3:56pm - Murph ""]
Unless your teacher specifies the Edition number of the book, there is no excuse for paying anything more than $60 for a book.

End of story.
[Sep 29,2009 3:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Murph said:Unless your teacher specifies the Edition number of the book, there is no excuse for paying anything more than $60 for a book.

End of story.

[Sep 29,2009 3:59pm - wut?  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:another reason why school is for fools

lol wut.
[Sep 29,2009 4:00pm - dreadkill ""]
my teachers used to always make us buy books we'd never end up using. i'd buy them cheap and used on amazon.
[Sep 29,2009 4:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
r u offended by his joke "wut"? Do you resent being called a fool?
[Sep 29,2009 4:00pm - xmikex ""]
They all cost $60. You've just got to consider the $75 markup on them all because of a goofy ass CD Rom it comes with that you will never even open the wrapping on.

The best is when you spent $80 on a book, goto class the first day, and realize that the douchebag on the book's jacket with a turtleneck, sports jacket, horseshoe pattern baldness, and smug look on his face is the motherfucker teaching the class. P.S. That book will not re-sell anywhere.
[Sep 29,2009 4:01pm - arktouros ""]

Murph said:Unless your teacher specifies the Edition number of the book, there is no excuse for paying anything more than $60 for a book.

End of story.

This too. Editions are obvious scams by publishers, sometimes changing nothing but page numbers.
[Sep 29,2009 4:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]

xmikex said:

The best is when you spent $80 on a book, goto class the first day, and realize that the douchebag on the book's jacket with a turtleneck, sports jacket, horseshoe pattern baldness, and smug look on his face is the motherfucker teaching the class. P.S. That book will not re-sell anywhere.

That would get me peeved.
[Sep 29,2009 4:21pm - archaeon ""]
I spent about $500 this semester. gay.
[Sep 29,2009 5:11pm - gslice  ""]
half.com or nothing.
people that spend these hundreds of dollars that aren't at ivy league schools that demand the newest highest quality are fucktarded
[Sep 29,2009 5:22pm - porphyria  ""]
learned pretty quickly and started buying books online, so much cheaper! fuck books and fuck school book stores.
[Sep 29,2009 6:41pm - xmikex ""]

ouchdrummer said:
xmikex said:

The best is when you spent $80 on a book, goto class the first day, and realize that the douchebag on the book's jacket with a turtleneck, sports jacket, horseshoe pattern baldness, and smug look on his face is the motherfucker teaching the class. P.S. That book will not re-sell anywhere.

That would get me peeved.


Say Hi. I spent $50 on this guy's book for his class. 2 years later I found a palette sized bin of them on sale for a dollar at Buck a Book.
[Sep 29,2009 8:11pm - Conservationist ""]

Interesting take on it all.
[Sep 29,2009 8:31pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
i used to have a professor who gave us bootlegged copies of all the classwork for free. that was one of several reasons why jerry schaufeld is a king among men. best class, best teacher.

oh yeah, he also took part of our tuition that was supposed to be paid to him and got everyone in class a subscription to the new york times.
[Sep 29,2009 8:49pm - M1nk  ""]
academia is first and foremost BIG business. if you think it's crazy that your spending foolish amounts of money on books....wait till you have spent 4-5 years tuition and you cant find a job to save your life. overqualified is REAL when no one can pay you....
[Sep 29,2009 9:52pm - xanonymousx ""]
i hate this semester, i bought one of those international editions same thing, but the professor was up in arms but me using a book 'not legal' in the usa, next semester im going to buy a high powered scanner, and just scan all of them save them in pdf, and then print them, returning them before the return date... which believe it or not has already past, even the books i bought today.
[Sep 29,2009 10:34pm - dertoxia ""]
[Sep 29,2009 10:43pm - tylor ""]

dertoxia said:www.half.com
[Sep 29,2009 11:28pm - the_reverend ""]
i only bought all my books the furst year, the other 4 years, i bought probably 20% of the books.
[Sep 30,2009 12:32am - alexc ""]
i bought maybe three books in college and made it through just fine. then again my school was like a summer camp in reality. 800 dollars on 5 books? holy fucking shit!
[Oct 3,2009 11:35am - gslizzle  ""]

gslice said:half.com or nothing.
people that spend these hundreds of dollars that aren't at ivy league schools that demand the newest highest quality are fucktarded

tylor said:
dertoxia said:www.half.com

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