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Anyone here ever heard of Nassau Chainsaw?

[Sep 30,2009 1:01am - sacreligion ""]
They're playing London Billiards this Friday and I heard the most amazing conversation about their set. This is not verbatim, but fairly accurate and hilarious considering the things that have happened in that club the last couple of weeks.

Craig: How do you feel about them bringing fire-breathers?
Sullivan: What? That's ridiculous. Who are they, Great White?
Craig: True. What about arc welders?
Sullivan: That's probably a worse idea.
Craig: OK. Well can they drill into the ceiling and do body suspensions?
Sullivan: No.
Craig: OK. They'll be bringing their own units to do suspensions with.

Apparently this band didn't get the memo that Strangeland came out over 10 years ago.
[Sep 30,2009 1:07am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, we played with them at that hardcore fest in Providence this year. They set up wicked early so they could set up all these harness systems over the stage at Club Hell.
[Sep 30,2009 1:09am - sacreligion ""]
Lame as fuck or actually cool to watch?
[Sep 30,2009 1:10am - RichHorror ""]
Depends on what you're into it, I guess. By that time it'd been a long day and I had sobered up and wanted Taco Bell.
[Sep 30,2009 1:12am - sacreligion ""]
Sounds eerily familiar to where I'll be at that point in the evening. If these dudes are really that elaborate it's probably a bad idea that Craig booked 7 bands to start at 830 and be over by 130.
[Sep 30,2009 1:13am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, they had to have guys do like construction to the ceiling above the stage for all their shit to swing and hang from.
[Sep 30,2009 1:14am - sacreligion ""]
Someone should go to this dressed as an OSHA guy.
[Sep 30,2009 1:37am - Pires ""]

sacreligion said:Lame as fuck or actually cool to watch?

just check out the pics from built to last fest. That'll give you an idea.
[Sep 30,2009 1:38am - sacreligion ""]
I'm really not that interested in the band. I just thought the conversation I was talking about was hilarious.

If your band is based on pyrotechnics and theatrics, and you're not GWAR, you're probably a terrible band.
[Sep 30,2009 1:46am - sacreligion ""]

[Sep 30,2009 1:54am - the_reverend ""]
the guys in the band are awesome people. some of the music is cool. the suspension stuff is weird as fuck. if you havent seen something like that before, go see. their drummer was the drummer for locked in a vacancy
[Sep 30,2009 8:44am - oscarct ""]
I have heard nothing but bad things about nassau chainsaws music
[Sep 30,2009 10:38am - xmikex ""]
Seemed like nice enough people, but their music is A W F U L. Awful. All the weird body mod shit is mildly entertaining for a little under 2 minutes. Then you're left wondering how much longer you're going to have to sit through this bullshit until it's over. Here's a spoiler: it's not going to be over for a long ass time.
[Sep 30,2009 11:05am - goatcatalyst ""]

the_reverend said:the guys in the band are awesome people.

My grandmother is nicer and more awesome than any faggot in any band ever. But you don't see anyone handing her a record deal, do you?
[Sep 30,2009 1:43pm - xmikex ""]
On behalf of Universal Music Group I'd like to offer your grandmother a record deal to do a split with Bathtub Shitter.
[Sep 30,2009 2:16pm - the_reverend ""]
she won't be around to do the tour.
[Sep 30,2009 2:18pm - Lamp ""]

xmikex said:On behalf of Universal Music Group I'd like to offer your grandmother a record deal to do a split with Bathtub Shitter.

I would buy this.
[Sep 30,2009 2:21pm - goatcatalyst ""]
If I can ghost-write her half of the split and we can retain 75% of publishing, it's a go.
[Sep 30,2009 2:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]

the_reverend said:she won't be around to do the tour.

My grandmother is immortal, nigger.
[Oct 7,2009 11:07pm - anonymous  ""]
The were actualy real dope to watch, and their music was way better then any of the bands that played that night.
[Oct 7,2009 11:09pm - Earth Crisis  ""]
That band is hard as nails. I seen them a few times and their music and suspensions were amazing. I seen them play at the Atlantic and it was the sickest thing i have ever seen!
[Oct 7,2009 11:21pm - Earth Crisis  ""]

xmikex said:Seemed like nice enough people, but their music is A W F U L. Awful. All the weird body mod shit is mildly entertaining for a little under 2 minutes. Then you're left wondering how much longer you're going to have to sit through this bullshit until it's over. Here's a spoiler: it's not going to be over for a long ass time.

I thought these guys were amazing, at least they are doing something different for once, They are def better then your generic gay ass band "Letters From The Dead". I just checked out your music and thats the same old rehashed crap i have listened to a thousand times... I also liked how Nassau Chainsaw mixed the metal music with their underground rap shit. They are def worth checking out....
[Oct 7,2009 11:23pm - Earth Crisis  ""]

sacreligion said:Lame as fuck or actually cool to watch?

I thought they were coll as fuck to watch
[Oct 8,2009 12:35am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

Earth%20Crisis said:I also liked how Nassau Chainsaw mixed the metal music with their underground rap shit. They are def worth checking out....

[Oct 8,2009 9:44am - xmikex ""]

Earth%20Crisis said:
xmikex said:Seemed like nice enough people, but their music is A W F U L. Awful. All the weird body mod shit is mildly entertaining for a little under 2 minutes. Then you're left wondering how much longer you're going to have to sit through this bullshit until it's over. Here's a spoiler: it's not going to be over for a long ass time.

I thought these guys were amazing, at least they are doing something different for once, They are def better then your generic gay ass band "Letters From The Dead". I just checked out your music and thats the same old rehashed crap i have listened to a thousand times... I also liked how Nassau Chainsaw mixed the metal music with their underground rap shit. They are def worth checking out....

I did that band when I was 19. I'm 27 now. Funny thing about that is that when I was doing my crappy rehashed metal band the crappy rehashed numetal/rapcore thing had already been done to death, brought back, and done to death again. Face it. You like a nu metal band. Grow up faggot.
[Oct 8,2009 9:47am - xmikex ""]
And before BigPants McMallMetal here comes back with his butthurt response and this turns into another RTTP classic let me reiterate one more time...

Nassau Chainsaw seemed like really nice dudes, and although I don't like their band I wish them the best of luck.

Now comes the express train to Chinatown.
[Oct 8,2009 4:21pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
saw them this past saturday in springfield vt.
[Oct 21,2009 5:37pm - Earth Crisis  ""]

xmikex said:
Earth%20Crisis said:
xmikex said:Seemed like nice enough people, but their music is A W F U L. Awful. All the weird body mod shit is mildly entertaining for a little under 2 minutes. Then you're left wondering how much longer you're going to have to sit through this bullshit until it's over. Here's a spoiler: it's not going to be over for a long ass time.

I thought these guys were amazing, at least they are doing something different for once, They are def better then your generic gay ass band "Letters From The Dead". I just checked out your music and thats the same old rehashed crap i have listened to a thousand times... I also liked how Nassau Chainsaw mixed the metal music with their underground rap shit. They are def worth checking out....

I did that band when I was 19. I'm 27 now. Funny thing about that is that when I was doing my crappy rehashed metal band the crappy rehashed numetal/rapcore thing had already been done to death, brought back, and done to death again. Face it. You like a nu metal band. Grow up faggot.

I guess u didn’t mention the name of your old band when u were 19 cause it was garbage, just like the band your in now.... Few artist can mix styles of hardcore, metal+rap and have it sound real as fuck and not like some Linkin Park Bullshit. Nassau Chainsaw brings that style to a new level of intensity. Calling me a Faggot? Kid i will break your fucking face. That’s a promise. You little shit talking internet pussys r gonna learn once and for all, that people can find u, just cause your on your computer in some hardcore chat room doesn’t mean u can say something to me that you wouldn’t say to my face. So if you’re not a tough guy, don’t act like one cause I’m gonna fuck you up!
[Oct 21,2009 5:41pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Oct 21,2009 5:52pm - dontlivefastjustdie ""]
haha... earth crisis fucking blows. if you're even real and not some troll your opinions are null and void simply for liking that band
[Oct 21,2009 5:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Oct 21,2009 7:44pm - Earth Crisis  ""]

dontlivefastjustdie said:haha... earth crisis fucking blows. if you're even real and not some troll your opinions are null and void simply for liking that band

Yeah ok SPEWTILATOR another shit thrash band thats been done 1000 times too... your skull will be cracked if u ever talked shit to my face pussy wanna be bitch!
[Oct 21,2009 8:08pm - E.T.C. NJHC  ""]
I checked out the new Chainsaw CD. I thought it was ill as fuck, Coma from Candiria produced it and sings on a few of the tracks. It's also got a bunch of guest vocal spots from bands like V.O.D., Sworn Enemy, and CarBomb on it. I dont understand why everyones gotta bash something that sounds a little different then the hundreds of other bands out there that are all doing the same shit. Im gonna check them out live when the come thru to NJ. All these kids that bash them, what are your bands doing? Not much huh?

[Oct 21,2009 8:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Oct 21,2009 9:27pm - blue ""]
These posts reek of a distinct CSDO style to them almost.
[Oct 21,2009 10:06pm - Eat The Cock NJHC  ""]
I like Candiria almost as much as I love huffing dongs.
[Oct 21,2009 10:22pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Candiria after 300% = LOL
[Oct 21,2009 10:57pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]
Got me a new fav

3 death post human
4Niravana no way they reformed for 09 hellz yeah
[Oct 22,2009 7:39am - Yeti ""]
wow, a gay thread turned even gayer. if you like ICP now you are a douche, plain and simple. you are over 10 years too late.
[Oct 22,2009 8:51am - xmikex ""]
No wonder it takes this guy a month to reply if he's going to scour the internet threatening everyone who disagrees with him.

Earth%20Crisis said:
I guess u didn’t mention the name of your old band when u were 19

huh? I didn't mention it when I was 19? I think it would have been pretty tough to play shows that way.

just like the band your in now....

I'm in Poison the Well. Come kick all our asses.

Few artist can mix styles of hardcore, metal+rap and have it sound real as fuck and not like some Linkin Park Bullshit.

The ultimate blending of genres and styles? Hmm where have I heard this argument before?

Calling me a Faggot? Kid i will break your fucking face. That’s a promise. You little shit talking internet pussys r gonna learn once and for all, that people can find u, just cause your on your computer in some hardcore chat room doesn’t mean u can say something to me that you wouldn’t say to my face. So if you’re not a tough guy, don’t act like one cause I’m gonna fuck you up!

Homeboy, I was beating people up because of the internet when you were getting your pants jiggled by your mom in the Macys dressing room. Don't you ever tell me how thing are. Enjoy doing absolutely nothing about getting called a no nothing NU METAL faggot on the internet.
[Oct 22,2009 9:11am - xmikex ""]
This dude sounds a lot more rational, so I think the benefit of the doubt is in order.

E.T.C.%20NJHC said:I checked out the new Chainsaw CD. I thought it was ill as fuck, Coma from Candiria produced

That's cool. I didn't like Ringworm the first couple times I saw them live. Then Birth is Pain came out, and the minute I heard it on CD they turned into one of my favorite bands. Maybe there's something on the cd that I missed live.

It's also got a bunch of guest vocal spots from bands like V.O.D., Sworn Enemy, and CarBomb on it.

That's cool too. But I can think of a number of projects that musicians I like lended vocals to, but it still came out like junk.

I dont understand why everyones gotta bash something that sounds a little different then the hundreds of other bands out there that are all doing the same shit.

See that's kind of my point. I really didn't hear any separation between NC and the countless other similar bands that I also don't really like. In that same respect though it's really tough to do something remarkably "different" in 2009.

All these kids that bash them, what are your bands doing? Not much huh?

Not to be a dick, but this has always been, and always will be a shitty argument. Elton John sold more records than any hardcore band ever will. Paramore tours more than any band I'll ever be in ever will. Do I need to respect any of these guys? Definitely not. Terrible music is the life blood of the music industry.
[Oct 22,2009 9:12am - Eat The Cock NJHC  ""]
Elton John is my favorite musician of all time.
[Oct 22,2009 9:16am - xmikex ""]
For the record, this thread no longer has anything to do with Nassau Chainsaw.

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