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*11/05* METALIAN, BONESTORM, HOLLOWS, MAST @ Jerky's. Providence

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Oct 1,2009 1:00pm - brian_dc ""]

METALIAN (Montreal) - http://www.myspace.com/metaliantheband
BONESTORM- http://www.myspace.com/davensteve
HOLLOWS- http://www.myspace.com/hollowsprovidence
MAST- http://www.myspace.com/mastusa
5 Bucks
[Oct 1,2009 1:10pm - brian_dc ""]
Fall in love with the vomiting gorilla.
[Oct 1,2009 1:14pm - alexc ""]
sick show. metalian really needs to come play boston.
[Oct 1,2009 3:40pm - Pires ""]
god damnit.
[Oct 1,2009 3:42pm - boblovesmusic ""]

alexc said:sick show. metalian really needs to come play boston with Razormaze

[Oct 1,2009 3:53pm - brian_dc ""]

Pires said:god damnit.

[Oct 9,2009 12:32pm - brian_dc ""]
[Oct 9,2009 2:08pm - kermit  ""]
didn't this show already happen a month back?
[Oct 13,2009 9:49am - brian_dc ""]
No U
[Oct 26,2009 2:23am - brian_dc ""]

Who wants to come to a shady Barn show in Poughkeepsie on the 30th with us?
[Oct 26,2009 9:14am - slymo ""]
i do
[Oct 26,2009 4:50pm - brian_dc ""]
I may have just offered a spot in the van that doesn't exist.
[Oct 26,2009 5:07pm - Murph MAST  ""]
we always have the shed chair that fits between the two midddle seats. hahaha.
[Oct 31,2009 4:30pm - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 2,2009 9:15am - brian_dc ""]
Heath Ledger died.

[Nov 2,2009 8:00pm - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 3,2009 10:25am - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 5,2009 8:36am - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 5,2009 10:20am - slymo ""]
least intimidating picture ever.
[Nov 5,2009 10:23am - brian_dc ""]
We could be brushed aside by one large woman.
[Nov 5,2009 10:31am - slymo ""]
oh you dudes are playing first, that means you guy are getting smoked out before we play.
[Nov 5,2009 10:32am - brian_dc ""]
[Nov 5,2009 11:20am - Murph ""]

slymo said:oh you dudes are playing first, that means you guy are getting smoked out before we play.


[Nov 5,2009 3:11pm - slymo ""]
HEY how'd that mast van smell after the last show?
[Nov 5,2009 3:36pm - Pires ""]
Like narcotics.
[Nov 6,2009 8:59am - brian_dc ""]

sorry for my anti-social nature at this show. I was tired, and now I'm about to fall asleep at my desk.

fun show though
[Nov 6,2009 10:21am - slymo ""]
im dying today
[Nov 6,2009 10:25am - brian_dc ""]
Sly, please record with Matt. But come to the shed to do it, we have that place set up for maximum awesome recordification.

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