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I've been on a techdeathjazzfusion kick lately

[Oct 1,2009 1:21pm - reimroc ""]
Lots of sleep terror, cynic and atheist mainly.
[Oct 1,2009 1:24pm - aril  ""]
what about the others?
[Oct 1,2009 1:35pm - reimroc ""]
what a terrible movie
[Oct 1,2009 1:51pm - Martins ""]
Sleep terror is the definition of boring.
Get ready for this, though:
You will jizz.
[Oct 1,2009 1:54pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I was listening to Traced in Air last night. i love it.
[Oct 1,2009 1:57pm - aril  ""]
Cynic's demos > everything else they ever did!

You hear Aeon Spoke? Paul's (prog?) pop band? Sounds like the music you hear in Grey's Anatomy or any of those other primtime crap shows.
[Oct 1,2009 2:03pm - Martins ""]
Aeon Spoke has 1 1/2 good songs.
[Oct 1,2009 3:10pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

aril said:Cynic's demos > everything else they ever did!

Where/what are these demos you speak of?

And yes, Aeon Spoke is crap.
[Oct 1,2009 3:12pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Allen Holdsworth plays death metal now?
[Oct 1,2009 3:14pm - reimroc ""]

Martins said:Sleep terror is the definition of boring.
Get ready for this, though:
You will jizz.

ST doesn't bore me. Nothing exceptional but their songs are catchy and memorable. This of course is just my opinion.
[Oct 1,2009 3:15pm - aril  ""]
Cynic released two demos that I know of, one in '90 and one in '91. If there are others, I haven't heard them.

They're cassette releases and I'm not sure if they were rereleased in the new box set or what. They're basically more along the lines of Atheist/tech death. No robot vocals, and more thrash/tech riffs with killer solos.
[Oct 1,2009 3:17pm - reimroc ""]
I would love to hear those demos but good luck to me trying to find them outside of a download and even then it may be difficult.
[Oct 1,2009 3:19pm - aril  ""]
I have both of them as mp3s, found the cassette on ebay but didn't pull the trigger. IF i remember, i can upload them for you guys
[Oct 1,2009 3:27pm - reimroc ""]
better be good mp3s. i don't waste space on my HD with any music lower than 256bitrate
[Oct 1,2009 3:46pm - aril  ""]
they're ripped from a cassette so it doesn't matter.
and 192bitrate is pretty much standard. 128 sucks, 192 and above is good. YOU DONT LIKE 192??
[Oct 1,2009 3:52pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

aril said: found the cassette on ebay but didn't pull the trigger.

Would not trust you in a life or death situation.
[Oct 1,2009 3:53pm - Martins ""]
I once had MP3s of everything pre-Focus. Deleted them because they're crap comparatively. Too metal, not enough Cynic.
[Oct 1,2009 3:53pm - Martins ""]

reimroc said:
Martins said:Sleep terror is the definition of boring.
Get ready for this, though:
You will jizz.

ST doesn't bore me. Nothing exceptional but their songs are catchy and memorable. This of course is just my opinion.

The main point of my post was LISTEN TO EXIVIOUS
[Oct 1,2009 3:59pm - aril  ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:Would not trust you in a life or death situation.

[Oct 1,2009 4:03pm - aril  ""]

Martins said:I once had MP3s of everything pre-Focus. Deleted them because they're crap comparatively. Too metal, not enough Cynic.

once again, HIGHLY DISAGREED. you can hear the evolution from the 1990 demo, too the 1991 demo, to focus. In fact, the solo on the last song in the 1991 demo was semi-used in Focus, but with a different rhythm guitar.
[Oct 1,2009 4:11pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

aril said:IF i remember, i can upload them for you guys

PLEASE! I've only recently gotten into Cynic, but I absolutely cannot get enough of Paul and co. Also, did they play on any other Death besides "Human"?

As for the robot vocals, I really dig them. I really don't think of it as vocals though, to be fair. I've always loved vocoder sounds, and he REALLY knows how to use that thing. There's parts in "The Unknown Guest" where I thought there was a bell or a steel drum mixed in there. There's a lot going on in there, but people hear it and mistakenly dismiss it as 'autotune' and never give it a fair shake.
[Oct 1,2009 4:11pm - reimroc ""]

aril said:they're ripped from a cassette so it doesn't matter.
and 192bitrate is pretty much standard. 128 sucks, 192 and above is good. YOU DONT LIKE 192??

no 192 is terrible and the drop in quality is very noticable, 256 is good, 320 is IDEAL and FLAC(lossless) is album/cd quality. I always go for 256/320 CBR, 320 VBR or FLAC if I really want it. I have the whole Pink Floyd discography and Half of Frank Zappa's discography in FLAC.

Seriously, none of the 40GBs of music i have on my HD is below 256 bitrate
[Oct 1,2009 4:11pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

ouchdrummer said:I was listening to Traced in Air last night. i love it.

If you can play that stuff, I love you.
[Oct 1,2009 4:12pm - aril  ""]
I prefer 320, but 192 is completely fine to me. 128 sucks, I hate when people rip in 128. you should know as a drummer, the cymbols sound like absolute crap in 128
[Oct 1,2009 4:22pm - aril  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:but I absolutely cannot get enough of Paul and co.

Have you checked out Gordian Knot? If not, DO SO IMMEDIATELY!

ArrowHeadNLI said:Also, did they play on any other Death besides "Human"?.

I'm not quite sure - once Death kind of relocated to CA for a little bit I dont think they did much more. Then again, I could be wrong - I'm not HUGE on Death (really only everything up to Human - everything after that is hit or miss - except when chuck did Control Denied)

ArrowHeadNLI said:
As for the robot vocals, I really dig them.

I dig them to a point on Focus. I think they're a little overused on that album. I really love the song Veil of Maya - it's a damn shame there's a band that stole that as their name.
I think Traced in Air is a tad disappointing, it lacks a punch in the music. that being said, the vocoder stuff on it is really good again, but slightly overused I think.
[Oct 1,2009 4:32pm - aril  ""]
also, kind of surprised no once has mentioned pestilence's spheres yet.
[Oct 1,2009 4:34pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Mind reflections!
[Oct 1,2009 11:23pm - trioxin_245 ""]

aril said:also, kind of surprised no once has mentioned pestilence's spheres yet.

probably cuz they were talking about technical jazz fusion or something like that and not good music.
[Oct 2,2009 12:06am - ArilliusBM ""]
Okay, I've uploaded both demos here:

Also, if you want to hear what I mentioned above, listen to "How Could I" - the last song on Focus, specifically the solo at 4:10-4:15. Then check out the last song on the demo from '91 and listen to the solo at 3:45 on. I noticed it one day a while back when I was super stoned.

Also, Arrowhead, this is specifically for you because I know you like power metal: http://www.sendspace.com/file/uofgt6
It's Psychotic Waltz's 1990 album. Very technical, although not jazzy/fusion, but with power metalish vocals. Very strange and unique album. Not sure if you've heard it. The fucking solo on the first song blows me away every time.
[Oct 2,2009 7:57am - blue ""]
WTF this is just a cynic demos bitching thread. Waaaaaahhhhhhh

(New) Severed Savior
Theory in Practice
Quo Vadis
(Later) Pestilence
Exivious (if haven't listened already)

Not all that jazzy blah blah, but will definitely tickle your loins.
[Oct 2,2009 8:25am - Martins ""]
Alarum is a good example of this kind of music. I don't like them though.
[Oct 2,2009 8:54am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lethargy or Sulaco. Oh yeah, you guys only know Mastodon, word.
Anyone remember Symbyosis?
[Oct 2,2009 8:56am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Theory in Practice, good one. The drummer and guitarist also had a technical black metal project called Mutant. Shit kills.
[Oct 2,2009 9:03am - Martins ""]
Lethargy is kind of a stretch.
[Oct 2,2009 9:06am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Yeah, ok guy.
[Oct 2,2009 9:13am - Martins ""]
Well, for jazz it's a bit of a stretch.
Come on, clean =/= jazz.
Lethargy is very good though. It's been a while since I've listened to them though.
[Oct 2,2009 9:19am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Yeah, I'm totally not talking about TeCkJaZzCoReFusIonDeath. TiP was mentioned and I don't hear jazz fusion in their music.
[Oct 2,2009 9:20am - Martins ""]
Ya I know. I just decided to pick on Lethargy because I like them. I'm like a fifth grade girl and Lethargy is my crush.
[Oct 2,2009 9:22am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Yeah, they were kings.
[Oct 2,2009 10:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thank you for reminding me about sleep terror. can their cds be purchased at record stores out here?
[Oct 2,2009 1:59pm - aril  ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:Theory in Practice, good one. The drummer and guitarist also had a technical black metal project called Mutant. Shit kills.

mutant. Fuck yea.
[Oct 2,2009 2:19pm - reimroc ""]

blue said:WTF this is just a cynic demos bitching thread. Waaaaaahhhhhhh

(New) Severed Savior
Theory in Practice
Quo Vadis
(Later) Pestilence
Exivious (if haven't listened already)

Not all that jazzy blah blah, but will definitely tickle your loins.

quo vadis and pestilence definitely tickle my loins
[Oct 2,2009 2:49pm - BrianDBB ""]
remiroc said: Seriously, none of the 40GBs of music i have on my HD is below 256 bitrate

I'm actually working on redownloading all my shitty sounding albums to atleast 192kbps, perferably above that. Is it hard to find sites to download great quality rips? And what have you been using...
[Oct 2,2009 3:29pm - reimroc ""]
Alot of it came from my own personal CD collection that I was able to rip myself. The rest I download from http://warez-bb.org
[Oct 2,2009 3:45pm - Martins ""]
[Oct 3,2009 2:07am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

ArilliusBM said:Okay, I've uploaded both demos here:

Also, if you want to hear what I mentioned above, listen to "How Could I" - the last song on Focus, specifically the solo at 4:10-4:15. Then check out the last song on the demo from '91 and listen to the solo at 3:45 on. I noticed it one day a while back when I was super stoned.

Also, Arrowhead, this is specifically for you because I know you like power metal: http://www.sendspace.com/file/uofgt6
It's Psychotic Waltz's 1990 album. Very technical, although not jazzy/fusion, but with power metalish vocals. Very strange and unique album. Not sure if you've heard it. The fucking solo on the first song blows me away every time.


I just downloaded both. I'm listening to the cynic demos right now, so far they're sick! Does Paul do the vocals still, or did they have a different singer? I thought the whole robot-vocal thing was because he sucked at death vocals?

I still have 11 minutes remaining on the Psychotic Waltz album, so after a good listen tomorrow I'll let you know what I think.

Overall, between Cynic, Death, and Portal I am pretty well addicted to this guy's guitar playing. +1000 points for being brutally heavy at times while remaining in STANDARD TUNING. I discovered Cynic only recently, as related through Spastic Ink, Death, and Blotted Science on Amazon.com, of all places. All of these records are EXCELLENT.
[Oct 3,2009 4:12am - ArilliusBM ""]
No problem. Paul used to do all the harsh vocals on those demos. Quite different than Aeon Spoke haha.
I just looked it up, there are two previous Cynic demos that I haven't heard that are before those. I'd be interested in checking those out.
Gordian Knot is Sean Malone's project (bass player for Cynic on focus and TiA) which features all sorts of guest musicians. Their second album Emergent has a track that has the FULL Focus lineup.
[Oct 3,2009 8:59am - BlackoutRick ""]
Cephalic Carnage
[Oct 3,2009 10:21am - Martins ""]
Aril, I had ALL their demos. If you liked the others, you would definitely likes the rest. I can't believe this thread happened right after I deleted them. I was just cleaning digital house. I can't remember where I found them either. May have been a torrent.

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