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Axe to fall....

[Oct 1,2009 3:12pm - STFU  ""]
any leaks?!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking everywhere
[Oct 1,2009 3:13pm - brian_dc ""]
probably soulseek

yes, people still use soulseek
[Oct 1,2009 3:18pm - reimroc ""]
[Oct 1,2009 3:18pm - STFU  ""]
i use soulseek
[Oct 1,2009 4:42pm - Archaeon ""]
checked yesterday and didnt see anything.
[Oct 4,2009 6:08pm - Archaeon ""]
this leaked
[Oct 4,2009 9:11pm - LPCustom  ""]
Waiting for my pre-order. Gonna destroy.
[Oct 4,2009 10:39pm - Archaeon ""]
last 2 songs on this are kind of retarded
[Oct 5,2009 1:25am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
it's on soulseek at this very moment
[Oct 5,2009 1:26am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i see there's a song called Effigy, it BETTER be a CCR cover!
[Oct 5,2009 9:04am - brian_dc ""]

Archaeon said:last 2 songs on this are kind of retarded

Don't know about the last one, but if you've got a problem with Steve Von Till we'll have words.
[Oct 5,2009 9:10am - brian_dc ""]
but yeah, they bite on HHIG a lot and Cruel Bloom sounds like a song off of Steve Von Till's latest solo album. which I can dig.

Oh, and I'm not sure why so many goddamned guitar solos on this. Weird.
[Oct 5,2009 9:50am - RustyPS ""]
for those of you who haven't found it yet


thanks to oscarct for the Ghostface record
[Oct 5,2009 9:56am - brian_dc ""]
oddly, Cruel Gloom sounds like Steve Von Till at his happiest ever.
[Oct 5,2009 10:30am - trampletheweak  ""]
there's COA song title on this also
[Oct 5,2009 5:01pm - RustyPS ""]
I'm 4 songs in on my first listen, and so far, the album is pretty intense...on Worms Will Feed now and its the stereotypical Converge slow song
[Oct 5,2009 5:24pm - RustyPS ""]
Cruel Bloom just started, and I can see why people are saying 'wtf'

so far it has a Murder By Death vibe, which I like
[Oct 5,2009 5:27pm - RustyPS ""]
it just blew up...shit I really like this track
[Oct 5,2009 8:53pm - Lamp ""]
fax to all
[Oct 6,2009 5:15am - NLI  ""]

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