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Letterman reveals affairs with staff, extortion attempt

[Oct 2,2009 9:43am - the_reverend ""]

have sex with letterman or you are a pussy.
[Oct 2,2009 9:57am - oscarct ""]
just read this..I want to see the video
[Oct 2,2009 10:06am - snip_snap  ""]
he just married his GF of 23 years earlier this year LOL
[Oct 2,2009 10:49am - IllinoisEnemaBradNess ""]
he was hilarious about it last night. admitted to it all and was like "yeah, i banged members of my staff, if they wanna go public and embarass themsleves, go ahead"
[Oct 2,2009 11:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
smart move
[Oct 2,2009 8:57pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Oct 3,2009 9:57am - RyanPlegics ""]
Good shit. I'm not a fan, but good for him.

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