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yes! I just got SVN to work!

[Oct 3,2009 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
I recently redid my laptop and I'm now using subversion to back up RTTP code. This is the first step to get my new updates up and working and then scrap RTTP version 3.7 track and start over from scratch with RTTP version 4.0!
[Oct 3,2009 2:15am - sxealex ""]
apt-get install svn O.o tada
[Oct 3,2009 2:17am - the_reverend ""]
1) I have 3 repositories on a drive that no long works.
2) I use ipkg not apt-get
3) permissions
[Oct 3,2009 2:30am - the_reverend ""]
ok, I didn't get #3 right cause I can't write, only read...
I need to figure out how to do passwords and then how to get tortoise to send those passwords.
[Oct 3,2009 3:45am - Linux  ""]
Just use me.
[Oct 3,2009 3:50am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 3,2009 7:41am - sxealex ""]
I have an svn repository u can use if you want... then i can haxor all ur rttps

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