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STEEL PANTHER instore! Newbury Comics/Norwood

[Oct 4,2009 10:32pm - BSV  ""]
STEEL PANTHER will be performing and signing autographs this Tuesday at Newbury Comics in Norwood. I'm working the event, hope to see some you there!
[Oct 5,2009 7:03am - Seth  ""]
u are working the event? What you doing?
[Oct 5,2009 8:44am - timtirpation  ""]
What time Jawshy?
[Oct 6,2009 1:57pm - BSV  ""]
They're playing at 8!
I have to set up the stage and PA. I also have to provide muscle near the stage while they play.
[Oct 6,2009 1:59pm - boblovesmusic ""]
shit... I wish I had known about this yesterday before I signed myself to work tonight :( have a blast!
[Oct 6,2009 2:46pm - timma ""]
Turn Out the Lights is the greatest song ever.
[Oct 6,2009 3:49pm - BSV  ""]
the album is fucking great.
[Oct 6,2009 4:02pm - alexc ""]
met these dudes at the warehouse not too long ago. so awesome.
[Oct 6,2009 4:20pm - gbone  ""]
I wish I could go to this, friggin boston

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