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[Oct 6,2009 4:09pm - Conservationist ""]
So... who likes Cynic?
[Oct 6,2009 4:11pm - FunkIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 6,2009 4:18pm - xgodzillax ""]

i dont know if it still works, but they were an awesomely horrible joke
[Oct 6,2009 4:30pm - xgodzillax ""]
Vaginal Nomenclature

Muff, puff, pussy, fluff, cunt, beaver, gap, cock pit,
Vulva, lips, between the hips, make my dick emit white shit,
Rug ,carpet, spooge target, two leg armpit, living toilet
Fuck hole, slit, perfect fit, mound of flesh with a hole in it.

Hairy beaver, pole reciever, big wet juicy weener heater,
Camel toe, flesh condo, messy fessy, semen eater,
Penis sheath, pubic wreath, Sarlac pit without the teeth (sometimes),
Pussy flesh, not so fresh, watch out for the queef beneath.

Acordian solo!

Smells like swine, all the time, nappy yeast beast full of slime
Snatch, hatch, pubic patch, slippery smarmy pleasure shrine.
Furry mouse, reason for spouse, you can even buy one in Laos,
Woe is me, that's where they pee, snack bar next to the shit house.

Shag tag sleeping bag, does not taste good on the rag.
Skin crack, penis shack, swallows everything but the saq.
1/2 mile wide, jump inside, it smells just like something died.
If it is a crunchy munchy you had better run and hide.

Whisker bizkit!
[Oct 6,2009 4:30pm - NLI  ""]
[Oct 6,2009 4:32pm - NLI  ""]

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