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Anyone have some gauntlets I can borrow?

[Oct 8,2009 5:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'll only need them next weekend. Any help would be much appreciated.
[Oct 8,2009 5:22pm - dreadkill ""]
i have some great ones, but they'rer only available anytime that isn't next weekend.
[Oct 8,2009 5:26pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I hate you Ken Gillis. I'm never making fuck to you again!
[Oct 8,2009 5:27pm - dreadkill ""]
you can borrow them on tuesdays only. can we have fuckles again now?
[Oct 8,2009 5:28pm - dreadkill ""]
i'll sex you if i want. you can't stop me. i make fuck happen when i wants it.
[Oct 8,2009 5:30pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
We can have fuckles and maybe even blowjubbles if you let me use them next weekend. ;*
[Oct 8,2009 5:30pm - aril  ""]
I've got pagan ones. if you're looking for spiked ones, I know where some are and could ask.

also, bracers* never understood why they've been called gauntlets, when those are GLOVES. bracers should be the correct term.
[Oct 8,2009 5:31pm - dreadkill ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:We can have fuckles and maybe even blowjubbles if you let me use them next weekend. ;*
i don't really have gauntlets. are we still boyfriends?
[Oct 8,2009 5:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I just need ridiculous looking shit that I can wear while playing guitar, possibly dressed as a food product.
[Oct 8,2009 5:32pm - aril  ""]
well, I've got some, but like I said they're not ridiculous looking. there's a pic of them in the arilliusbm profile I think. you can use them no problem but they might not be waht you're looking for
[Oct 8,2009 5:33pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
That's low Ken. My peepee castle is OFF LIMITS.
[Oct 8,2009 5:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Will I look grim or kvlt at all wearing them, Jim?
[Oct 8,2009 5:34pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I've got sick ones...view old pics of CNV with me on bass.
[Oct 8,2009 5:35pm - aril  ""]
Moar like a germanic pagan warlord rather than a kvlt blackmetal loser
[Oct 8,2009 5:36pm - aril  ""]
yea andy boy's got some nice ones.
[Oct 8,2009 5:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Andy, are you going to NJDF? If you could bring the gauntlets with you for me to use for the Composted set on Saturday, I would be eternally endebted to you. Let me know.
[Oct 8,2009 5:48pm - blue ""]
I for one am looking forward to such a spectacle.
[Oct 8,2009 5:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Me too sir. Just remember your special assignment.
[Oct 8,2009 7:51pm - oscarct ""]
I have gauntlet on sega
[Oct 8,2009 7:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
That could work too.
[Oct 8,2009 7:58pm - aril  ""]
It better be gauntlet fucking 4
[Oct 8,2009 8:13pm - Martins ""]
hahaha Gauntlet rules.
[Oct 8,2009 8:50pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Mark, I can do that but you'll have to remind me. I'm bad at remembering.
[Oct 8,2009 9:29pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha word, I'll remind you with an ATTN thread on Thursday.
[Oct 9,2009 3:01am - NLI  ""]
[Oct 11,2009 5:09pm - gslice  ""]
tape gauntlet sega cartridges to your wrists or you are a pussy

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