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Attn yeti

[Oct 23,2009 11:04am - Boobie Dickster  ""]
Hi. It's me again. I'm not sure if you wanted to hop in my car or not but you looked puzzled. I hope you realize I want to shave my pubes and do all sorts of nasty things to you. I hope to see you soon again and hopefully next time you won't be so timid

yours truly
boobie dickster
[Oct 23,2009 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
i waved, you sped off. your loss.
[Oct 23,2009 1:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
craigs list missed connection right thar
[Oct 23,2009 1:14pm - brian_dc ""]
Errbuddy in da club gittin' Zyk-B
[Oct 2,2010 4:12pm - MetalThursday ""]
Just spotted a Deicide shirt wearing yeti walking past the window of Da Lat while I eat delicious Vietnamese food.
[Oct 2,2010 7:16pm - Slag NLI  ""]
He was on his way to Pho Dakao. A superior Vietnamese experience.
[Oct 4,2010 10:43am - Yeti ""]
hahaha! holy shit i totally forgot about this. that weird cross-dresser who hit on me at 6:30 AM in Natick.

MetalThursday said:Just spotted a Deicide shirt wearing yeti walking past the window of Da Lat while I eat delicious Vietnamese food.

i don't know this place but it must have been on Park Ave. i don't recall what i was doing outside of my cave.
[Oct 4,2010 11:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think thats right near the check cashing place
[Oct 4,2010 12:37pm - MetalThursday ""]
It is indeed right next to a check cashing place.
[Oct 4,2010 1:09pm - Yeti ""]
ah yes. and The Kitty House.

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