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[Oct 25,2009 2:10pm - thuringwethil ""]


this was PERFECT for a Sunday matinee.

some really stark imagery, and I LOVED the soundtrack.
but I'm sure some of the shit that goes on towards the middle and end will alienate the hell out of people.

I didn't notice any walkouts when I was there, but there have been many. Understandable :shocked:
[Oct 25,2009 6:25pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
she's an actress too...she's a french...folk singer, and her voice is eerie and the music is haunting as hell.

I swear I'd marry any girl that could whisper like she does...plus this movie looks awesome
[Oct 25,2009 6:41pm - Martins ""]
I've been wanting to see this. It looks like the type of thought provoking movie that I really need to see.
[Oct 25,2009 6:56pm - Phrozenspite ""]
It was extremely good and the cinematography makes some of the parts that much better
[Oct 25,2009 11:50pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Great flick! Totally original and morbid!
[Oct 25,2009 11:56pm - goatcatalyst ""]

Martins said:I've been wanting to see this. It looks like the type of thought provoking movie that I really need to see.

Do drugs and watch The Holy Mountain.
[Oct 26,2009 9:57am - snip_snap ""]
i went by myself and there were 4 girls sitting behind me i really wished i had a pair of ear plugs b/c the shrieking that these girls let out was deafening, humorous but deafening. they along with a few others walked out of the movie.

[Oct 26,2009 10:08am - boblovesmusic ""]
cool I guess
[Oct 26,2009 10:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is only playing at certain theaters i'm assuming
[Oct 26,2009 10:42am - snip_snap ""]
only at kendall for a limited time
[Oct 27,2009 1:09am - Murph ""]
watched tonight. heavy and heavy-handed. absolutely breathtaking.
[Oct 27,2009 1:13am - swamplorddvm ""]
What's his name in Antichrist is on the late show right now.
[Oct 27,2009 4:31pm - thuringwethil ""]


cute fox!
[Oct 27,2009 4:43pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Best horror movie I have seen in a long long time... I dare say one of the best I have ever seen. This is some really disturbing excellent stuff!! Totally fucking morbid
[Oct 27,2009 4:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
guess i'll have to wait till dvd... or maybe i can go while im in boston tomorrow
[Oct 27,2009 4:55pm - Paul CNV  ""]
It's actually already on DVD... It was released in England awhile back.
[Oct 27,2009 5:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
even better
[Oct 27,2009 6:20pm - quintessence ""]
I am going to see this for sure. Will it still be at Kendal this weekend?
[Oct 27,2009 6:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]
i guess this isn't playing in my faggot state
[Oct 27,2009 7:04pm - Phrozenspite ""]
its up on most of the torrent networks as a DVD rip if you don't have a theater near you
[Oct 27,2009 7:25pm - No_Redemption ""]
Streaming decent quality on the fastpasstv site
[Oct 27,2009 7:26pm - thuringwethil ""]
i had to see it on the big screen, if it was making THAT much controversy

the scene with the rusty scissors made me wince worse than any other gore-no Horror I've ever witnessed
[Oct 28,2009 12:30am - Paul CNV  ""]
Ohhhh man, oh man, oh man... Fucking A this movie kicks my dick in the dirt
[Oct 28,2009 12:32am - Paul CNV  ""]
There has not been a horror flick on this level since The Shining... I said it. FUCK whoever did this is beyond this gay world
[Oct 28,2009 5:12pm - snip_snap ""]
did anyone understand the epilogue? if so pm, i was so confused.
[Oct 28,2009 5:30pm - Phrozenspite ""]
I never got the shining TBH or at least never understood why everyone holds it in such elite company... perhaps its just because i read the book
[Oct 28,2009 8:04pm - thuringwethil ""]
I think Shining the book is pretty ghey compared to the movie. Stephen King thinks the opposite.
[Nov 2,2009 10:35am - xmikex ""]
Alright. Saw Antichrist on Sunday night...

Fuck this movie. This was an art house film trying to be a horror movie and trying not to be a hollywood movie. It failed at both.

It wasn't all terrible. There were some pretty thought provoking concepts, and some gorgeous visuals. The whole nature is satan's church thing actually kicked me in the brain a little bit. That towering dead tree was grim as fuck. And to a small extent I appreciated how ambiguous the plot was.

Now let's start at the beginning. Willem Dafoe's shaft. No thanks. That whole scene, in fact, wasn't really doing it for me. It's a little kid jumping out a window and I didn't feel like the slow-mo aria thing was visceral enough to creep me out, or stir me at all. Then the wife goes into her depression, a portion of the film which would have been way better off titled "Bipolar bitch is bipolar." This is the point in the film where I'm supposed to be getting attached from the characters and I'm not. They're both just so stale and monotone and deliberately ambiguous to the point where the film is more or less jogging in place for a solid 20 minutes.

Then out of nowhere it turns out she's terrified of the woods. It comes out of left field, but whatever it's ominous and foreshadowing for the first time in the whole stupid movie. Fuck yes. Then comes the whole visualization scene on the train with the wife walking through the woods. Best scene in the whole film. For the 5 minutes that scene lasted I was ready to forgive the whole thing and fall in love with this movie.

Then they get out to the woods. Oh shit, there's all that stuff from the wife's visions. Oh shit, there's a deer with a half aborted baby. Oh shit, the wife just freaked out on that bridge. What's that all about?! I don't know, she's alseep for the next 15 minutes. And for half the remainder of the film.

That's how the rest of the film really went for me. Oh shit, nature is satan's church I hope they expand on this. No, wait they're gonna fuck and then goto sleep. Oh fuck, super creepy scene where the wife hears a baby crying but it's not their son it's coming from the depths of the woods... yeah but now they're in a tiff and not talking about it anymore. Oh weird, Willem Dafoe is having creepy acorn dreams too, I wonder what that's all about... nope we're not revisiting that again at all. Oh holy shit, this evil looking fox is about to say something cool. Nope, it says something corny and I have no idea what's going on. Oh WTF, attic full of satanic images and the scrawlings of the wife while she went insane, this has got to be the missing key to this story right? Nah, Willem Dafoe is writing some notes to himself, and the whole thing is already forgotten. The three sisters are coming and someone has to die... the best explanation of that we get... "There's no such constellation." Thanks.

For everyone who bitched about Where the Wild Things Are not having any plot, this movie is your punishment.
[Nov 2,2009 10:47am - sever ""]
This movie explores the idea that because Christianity is a patriarchal organization, and that Eve is the cause for sin, that women are by the bible's definition the Antichrist. Anyone bitching about misogyny just doesn't get it.
[Nov 2,2009 10:51am - xmikex ""]

sever said:women are the Antichrist.

[Nov 2,2009 10:53am - Murph ""]
I'll admit the seemingly incoherent plot of this film is slightly off-putting, but to me it was just Von Trier melding tons of mythological (nature of surroundings, creatures, names), literary (three beggars, Nick), and European magic and even tarot into a storyline consistently engaged in a tug-of-war between the real (Dafoe, natural world...at times) and the mind (She, natural world...at times).

I think its problems with keeping a linear storyline which unravels into some greater meaning is due to the fact that Von Trier really fleshes the film out using his own (my opinion) understanding of the tropes I mentioned before. He's obviously not a master of history nor myth, yet I just find the premise of the film and its mood to be inescapable.
[Nov 2,2009 11:25am - xmikex ""]
[Nov 2,2009 11:32am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

xmikex said:Alright. Saw Antichrist on Sunday night...

Fuck this movie. This was an art house film trying to be a horror movie and trying not to be a hollywood movie. It failed at both.

It wasn't all terrible. There were some pretty thought provoking concepts, and some gorgeous visuals. The whole nature is satan's church thing actually kicked me in the brain a little bit. That towering dead tree was grim as fuck. And to a small extent I appreciated how ambiguous the plot was.

Now let's start at the beginning. Willem Dafoe's shaft. No thanks. That whole scene, in fact, wasn't really doing it for me. It's a little kid jumping out a window and I didn't feel like the slow-mo aria thing was visceral enough to creep me out, or stir me at all. Then the wife goes into her depression, a portion of the film which would have been way better off titled "Bipolar bitch is bipolar." This is the point in the film where I'm supposed to be getting attached from the characters and I'm not. They're both just so stale and monotone and deliberately ambiguous to the point where the film is more or less jogging in place for a solid 20 minutes.

Then out of nowhere it turns out she's terrified of the woods. It comes out of left field, but whatever it's ominous and foreshadowing for the first time in the whole stupid movie. Fuck yes. Then comes the whole visualization scene on the train with the wife walking through the woods. Best scene in the whole film. For the 5 minutes that scene lasted I was ready to forgive the whole thing and fall in love with this movie.

Then they get out to the woods. Oh shit, there's all that stuff from the wife's visions. Oh shit, there's a deer with a half aborted baby. Oh shit, the wife just freaked out on that bridge. What's that all about?! I don't know, she's alseep for the next 15 minutes. And for half the remainder of the film.

That's how the rest of the film really went for me. Oh shit, nature is satan's church I hope they expand on this. No, wait they're gonna fuck and then goto sleep. Oh fuck, super creepy scene where the wife hears a baby crying but it's not their son it's coming from the depths of the woods... yeah but now they're in a tiff and not talking about it anymore. Oh weird, Willem Dafoe is having creepy acorn dreams too, I wonder what that's all about... nope we're not revisiting that again at all. Oh holy shit, this evil looking fox is about to say something cool. Nope, it says something corny and I have no idea what's going on. Oh WTF, attic full of satanic images and the scrawlings of the wife while she went insane, this has got to be the missing key to this story right? Nah, Willem Dafoe is writing some notes to himself, and the whole thing is already forgotten. The three sisters are coming and someone has to die... the best explanation of that we get... "There's no such constellation." Thanks.

For everyone who bitched about Where the Wild Things Are not having any plot, this movie is your punishment.

you lost me at Willem Dafoe's shaft.

[Nov 2,2009 11:33am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I still need to see this, since it's Von Trier.

xmikex said:Alright. Saw Antichrist on Sunday night...
Fuck this movie. This was an art house film trying to be a horror movie and trying not to be a hollywood movie. It failed at both.

Now, I don't own a beret or purchase my coffee from Starbucks, but this sounds like my type of film. I enjoyed The Element of Crime, so I have some faith in this.
[Nov 2,2009 1:34pm - xmikex ""]
I'm not so familiar with Von Trier. If his other stuff is better than this I'll check it out. My initial feeling is that this guy probably made some sweet films and then pulled a Danielwski and decided that since everyone thinks he's a genius he can do whatever he wants.

Until then...
[Nov 2,2009 5:50pm - snip_snap ""]
fyi, the director owns a film company that produces hardcore porn. William Dafoes shaft was a body double!
[Nov 2,2009 9:49pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Nov 2,2009 10:00pm - xmikex ""]

snip_snap said:fyi, the director owns a film company that produces hardcore porn. William Dafoes shaft was a body double!

Yeah, I was like "dude, that doesn't look anything like Willem Dafoe's dick." Totally.
[Nov 3,2009 12:01am - thuringwethil ""]

xmikex said:[img]


that so wins :spineyes:

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