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nov 27th @ club Hell MURPHYS LAW - UNFORGIVEN - RUFUSE RESIST - the USM -

[show listing]  ______________________________________________
[Oct 27,2009 11:32am - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Nov 6,2009 4:30pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Nov 7,2009 5:11pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Nov 8,2009 9:00pm - Patrick ""]
shit is going to be awesome!!! It also marks the return of Carlo...hahahahaha I love when murphys law comes to HELL ...I wish Eddie and the Louvers were playing this show though...doesnt really matter as this will be fucking sweet
AND NO ITS NOT FREE!!! EVERYONE DONATE $5 at the door...its the least we can do for pete!! pete has been getting it done lately!
[Nov 9,2009 5:14pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
this is going to be an amazing time. I can't wait.
[Nov 13,2009 4:51pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Nov 13,2009 11:03pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Nov 16,2009 9:27am - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Nov 16,2009 6:43pm - patrick ""]
Im sure Ill be there at 5 waiting around like a loser
[Nov 19,2009 6:28pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
Our new bass player will be making his debut and we will have a guest guitarist in our cover (who actually originally played it). Hint: He's No Friend Of Mine. Be there for a sick time!!
[Nov 20,2009 4:41pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
[Nov 22,2009 11:54pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
Who's going? Let's drink till we throw up our stuffing together!
[Nov 23,2009 2:29pm - patrick ""]
who is the special guest?
[Nov 23,2009 6:09pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
no special guest , grudge holder opening the show though
[Nov 23,2009 6:31pm - patrick ""]
ShawnRefuse said guest guitarist...that is what I was referring too
[Nov 24,2009 7:33am - shawnrefuse  ""]
You'll see. It's only for one song it's a cover, and the ONLY way we'd cover this band is if we had a founding member play. I'll let you know tomorrow. We are practicing with him tonight.
[Nov 24,2009 2:48pm - patrick ""]
awwww shit
[Nov 25,2009 9:35am - shawnrefuse  ""]
Ok, practice last night was awesome we played a bunch of songs and came down to the one we are going to do as a cover. Should be sick. So the special guest is Steve Risteen. For those who don't know, he was the founding guitarist of Slapshot. What song will we do? Come to the show and find out. Fun will be had.
[Nov 27,2009 1:35pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
tonight !!!
[Nov 30,2009 3:26pm - shawnrefuse  ""]

[Nov 30,2009 4:03pm - patrick ""]
do you have anymore videos of this show?
[Nov 30,2009 5:06pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
a couple of ML, and USM. I missed taping Eddie & Louvers and Grudgeholder (both and they had great sets though)
[Dec 1,2009 1:19am - patrick ""]
dont be shy with the videos
[Dec 1,2009 10:03am - shawnrefuse  ""]
ha not shy, just trying to find time. probably after Thursday. I am out of state till then.

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