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Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

[Oct 30,2009 2:25pm - Alex Jones  ""]
New Film uploaded on the internets:

[Oct 30,2009 2:38pm - watch this instead  ""]

[Oct 30,2009 6:38pm - Conservationist ""]

Alex%20Jones said:New Film uploaded on the internets:


He's not that important.

But he is a giant fail.

Then again, about 90% of this board are feeling stupid for smugly voting for him, so they'd rather get raped by wild boars than admit it.
[Oct 30,2009 6:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll admit i fell for it. he's a good salesman though. i have absolutely no faith in our political system at this point.
[Oct 30,2009 7:48pm - Conservationist ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i'll admit i fell for it. he's a good salesman though. i have absolutely no faith in our political system at this point.

I have no faith in democracy. It's not fair to ask 90% of our population to make complex political decisions.

Agreed Obama is a good salesman. Honesty is bravery.
[Oct 31,2009 11:31am - HTR ""]

Conservationist said:
FuckIsMySignature said:i'll admit i fell for it. he's a good salesman though. i have absolutely no faith in our political system at this point.

I have no faith in democracy. It's not fair to ask 90% of our population to make complex political decisions.

Which is exactly why we don't have a democracy. Democracy is not a stable long-term form of government.
[Oct 31,2009 11:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"Democracy is the worst form of Goverment... except for all the others"
[Oct 31,2009 12:22pm - pam ""]
There's a movie? He's only been the president for a year? OMG HE RUINED THE COUNTRY.
[Oct 31,2009 12:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i suggest you watch it... its more so about all the bullshit thats occured thus far in his presidency. hes more or less just continuing policies and agendas that have been ruining the country for the past 50 some odd years already.
[Oct 31,2009 12:35pm - pam ""]
I don't need to watch it, I read, you know...regularly. He's done some shit I like, and some shit I really don't...but he's got 3 more years and I'm giving them to him before I start regretting my vote. There's a few things he can do before next election that will make him worth my vote and I still think he'll get them done.

Congress however...ugh. What a fucking disappointment those candy-asses have been. Way to get a majority and still get nothing done, losers.
[Oct 31,2009 12:52pm - Govinator  ""]
If Bush suspending Habeas Corpus, holding US citizens without trial, destroying any remnant of a progressive tax structure and starting 2 unprovoked wars without congressional approval didn't destroy the republic, I doubt Obama running up the deficit another trillion dollars will. Only the election of Arnold Schwartzenegger president could do that.
[Oct 31,2009 12:56pm - Alex Jones  ""]
I'm a fat moron who appeals to disenfranchised neckbeards who think their tax dollars are being wasted on international banking conspiracies. When everyone knows neckbeard Gamestop employees don't make enough money to pay income taxes and receive tax refunds.
[Oct 31,2009 1:01pm - Govinator  ""]
I'm no Obama fan...but just watching the intro to that movie... 90% of the quotes are from fox news and the rest are snippets taken totally out of context. Not worth watching unless you are retarded and like to watch pretty colors and lights flash by on a screen.
[Oct 31,2009 2:20pm - Sacreligion ""]
The fact that the secondary title to this is "The Presidency of Barack Obama" basically negates anything of merit stated in the movie. He's obviously just going for shock value at that point.
[Oct 31,2009 2:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: commentary about a video no one has watched
[Oct 31,2009 2:31pm - Sacreligion ""]
Speak for yourself, sir.
[Oct 31,2009 2:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i was refering to the majority of the posters in this thread. i watched it an most of the stuff i already knew about from following various news sources.
[Oct 31,2009 4:16pm - alexc ""]
just dont take away my booze.
[Oct 31,2009 6:59pm - Zombie Chef  ""]
mmmmm chomp chomp
[Oct 31,2009 8:00pm - Conservationist ""]

HTR said:Which is exactly why we don't have a democracy. Democracy is not a stable long-term form of government.

We do have a democracy -- a republican form that uses an electoral college.

Do you think 90% of the people out there are going to make sensible decisions on complex political issues, especially ones that require the individual to sacrifice for the good of the whole?

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