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What's the best place to skin a deer?

[Oct 30,2009 3:25pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Two hunters apparently thought the train tracks at Rte 128 station would work out perfectly. Especially when a train moving at 125 MPH is on its way. Fucking idiots.
[Oct 30,2009 3:27pm - LOL!  ""]
must have been hoser and largefreakatzero
[Oct 30,2009 3:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
at least thats a good way to skin two hunters
[Oct 30,2009 3:28pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I think you mean puree, Tom.
[Oct 30,2009 3:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i sure could go for a smoothie now
[Oct 30,2009 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 30,2009 3:30pm - Yeti ""]
if the train hits the guys and they are killed, can the train engineer keep the carcasses?
[Oct 30,2009 3:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Unfortunately the police would have to take their trophies away. Every last bit has to be collected.
[Oct 30,2009 3:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
fucking hicks
[Oct 30,2009 3:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wait so did the dudes get run over or did they just leave the deer carcass on the tracks?
[Oct 30,2009 4:07pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Neither, they dragged it off the tracks in time.
[Oct 30,2009 4:12pm - THE FACE OF TRUE METAL  ""]
[Oct 30,2009 4:45pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
the correct answer is in your front yard. you gotta hang it from an old swing set and drain it into a kiddie pool next to a car thats on cinder blocks first.
[Oct 30,2009 4:57pm - pam ""]
Did they get killed? I hope so.
[Oct 30,2009 7:14pm - corpus_  ""]
When I lived in NH my roomate hung his deer off the back deck and left the gutpile out front. The cops came in about 2 hours time asking about a reported satanic ritual--wheb they realized that was not the case; they just wanted to see the tags..
[Oct 30,2009 7:19pm - Samantha ""]
Some people get really crazy about deer hunting season. When I lived in Vermont, I used to see rednecks driving around with dead deer tied to the tops of their cars, complete with deer blood dripping all over the car.
[Oct 30,2009 7:19pm - RustyPS ""]
LMAO @ the title of this thread
[Oct 30,2009 7:49pm - Conservationist ""]
"skin a deer" = euphemism for masturbation

[Oct 30,2009 8:04pm - Hoser ""]
Some hunters give us all a bad name, especially Masshole hunters. We field dress our deer at the site of the kill and drag the deer home. Dunno what kind of idiots you deal with down there. As far as the moron that posted about skinning hunters...you need to email Peta with your info and while you're at it, kill yourself. Bleeding-heart liberal douche. Without hunting, you wouldn't even be here, unless your ancestors were vegan faggots then, too.
[Oct 30,2009 8:08pm - goatcatalyst ""]

corpus_ said:When I lived in NH my roomate hung his deer off the back deck and left the gutpile out front. The cops came in about 2 hours time asking about a reported satanic ritual--wheb they realized that was not the case; they just wanted to see the tags..

good thing you weren't wearing your ritual robe!
[Oct 31,2009 12:25pm - pam ""]

Hoser said:Some hunters give us all a bad name, especially Masshole hunters. We field dress our deer at the site of the kill and drag the deer home. Dunno what kind of idiots you deal with down there. As far as the moron that posted about skinning hunters...you need to email Peta with your info and while you're at it, kill yourself. Bleeding-heart liberal douche. Without hunting, you wouldn't even be here, unless your ancestors were vegan faggots then, too.

You will just make up stuff ITT so you can rant about Massholes and liberals, eh?
[Oct 31,2009 12:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
This thread is not about politics. It is about skinning a deer in the most awkward place ever.
[Oct 31,2009 12:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol hoser you're such an idiot. how does making a joke about 2 idiots skinning a dear on train tracks qualify me a bleeding-heart liberal douche Peta worshipper? get your head out of your ass. why dont you spend your time actually connecting with nature (or hunting and killing it if thats your preference) rather than coming on here to bitch about the same retarded generalizations and blanket statements that no one gives a shit about.
[Oct 31,2009 12:37pm - pam ""]
Hey Tom, your heart is bleeding all over the floor...take it outside, hippie!
[Oct 31,2009 12:46pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'd say it's pretty clear that any negative comments towards the dudes skinning a deer on train tracks at a train station are solely based on the fact that they are dumbasses, NOT that they were hunters. Common sense.
[Oct 31,2009 1:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
my heart only bleeds for you pam
[Oct 31,2009 1:38pm - HTR ""]
Welcome to The Peoples Republic of Taxachusetts. Please show me your papers, comrade?
[Oct 31,2009 1:40pm - HTR ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:lol hoser you're such an idiot. how does making a joke about 2 idiots skinning a dear on train tracks qualify me a bleeding-heart liberal douche Peta worshipper? get your head out of your ass. why dont you spend your time actually connecting with nature (or hunting and killing it if thats your preference) rather than coming on here to bitch about the same retarded generalizations and blanket statements that no one gives a shit about.

Hunting is connecting with nature. Your just connecting to it with a bullet.

[Oct 31,2009 1:43pm - Hoser ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:my heart only bleeds for you pam

Hey dickhole, I think that I made a very clear point in stating that cityboys like Massholes have no idea how to hunt ethically. No real hunter does what you stated that they were doing. We have an influx of Masshole hunters that come here and pull the same shit. Pam, I'm sorry to have offended you, you can hatefuck me later. It's the city morality that poses the real threat to our past time, not the men and women who founded it as a way to preserve their hunting heritage.
[Oct 31,2009 1:45pm - Hoser ""]

HTR said:
FuckIsMySignature said:lol hoser you're such an idiot. how does making a joke about 2 idiots skinning a dear on train tracks qualify me a bleeding-heart liberal douche Peta worshipper? get your head out of your ass. why dont you spend your time actually connecting with nature (or hunting and killing it if thats your preference) rather than coming on here to bitch about the same retarded generalizations and blanket statements that no one gives a shit about.

Hunting is connecting with nature. Your just connecting to it with a bullet.


AND, I connect with nature more than you could ever dream of. I live in the middle of it. It's my life. In fact, when was the last time that you dragged your fat lazy ass out of bed at 0430 to sit in a tree stand and watch the whole world wake up around you? You're barking up the wrong tree cityboy.
[Oct 31,2009 1:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
blah blah blah massholes blah blah cityfolk blah blah liberals etc etc.
[Oct 31,2009 1:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Hoser said:
HTR said:
FuckIsMySignature said:lol hoser you're such an idiot. how does making a joke about 2 idiots skinning a dear on train tracks qualify me a bleeding-heart liberal douche Peta worshipper? get your head out of your ass. why dont you spend your time actually connecting with nature (or hunting and killing it if thats your preference) rather than coming on here to bitch about the same retarded generalizations and blanket statements that no one gives a shit about.

Hunting is connecting with nature. Your just connecting to it with a bullet.


AND, I connect with nature more than you could ever dream of. I live in the middle of it. It's my life. In fact, when was the last time that you dragged your fat lazy ass out of bed at 0430 to sit in a tree stand and watch the whole world wake up around you? You're barking up the wrong tree cityboy.

i went walking through the woods for 3 hours last night in connecticut. it was awesome. what makes you think you know absolutely anything about me.
[Oct 31,2009 1:57pm - Fist  ""]
So hoser you are a redneck?
[Oct 31,2009 1:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Hoser said:
FuckIsMySignature said:my heart only bleeds for you pam

Hey dickhole, I think that I made a very clear point in stating that cityboys like Massholes have no idea how to hunt ethically. No real hunter does what you stated that they were doing. We have an influx of Masshole hunters that come here and pull the same shit. Pam, I'm sorry to have offended you, you can hatefuck me later. It's the city morality that poses the real threat to our past time, not the men and women who founded it as a way to preserve their hunting heritage.

how on earth do those two statements have any correlation?
[Oct 31,2009 2:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
also i would love to go hunting some time.
[Oct 31,2009 2:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
why dont you teach me how instead of being a cryass
[Oct 31,2009 2:14pm - Martins ""]
Sometimes I respect Hoser for living the way he does but, other times, the way he voices his opinion and the way he puts down other people for not living the way he does, the less I respect his choice and decisions. I would love to live in the middle of nature and hunt and kill my own food but if I'm going to turn into the e-prick that Hoser is (or can be), fuck that shit.
[Oct 31,2009 2:15pm - PansyCityBoy  ""]
I have no idea how to do anything because Hoser said so.
[Oct 31,2009 2:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he's just looking for attention because he lives too far away from anyone who can hear him bitch out loud.
[Oct 31,2009 2:22pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'm sure there's a porcupine that gives a shit or something.
[Oct 31,2009 2:22pm - HTR ""]

Hoser said:
HTR said:
FuckIsMySignature said:lol hoser you're such an idiot. how does making a joke about 2 idiots skinning a dear on train tracks qualify me a bleeding-heart liberal douche Peta worshipper? get your head out of your ass. why dont you spend your time actually connecting with nature (or hunting and killing it if thats your preference) rather than coming on here to bitch about the same retarded generalizations and blanket statements that no one gives a shit about.

Hunting is connecting with nature. Your just connecting to it with a bullet.


AND, I connect with nature more than you could ever dream of. I live in the middle of it. It's my life. In fact, when was the last time that you dragged your fat lazy ass out of bed at 0430 to sit in a tree stand and watch the whole world wake up around you? You're barking up the wrong tree cityboy.

Well, I was on your side, until just now.
[Oct 31,2009 2:24pm - Hoser ""]
If you want to hunt, ASK ME. I will gladly help you to attain your licensing and provide you with a place to hunt, friendship, and a cold one when we're done. However, I, much like yourself, hate e-terrorists. Take the time to email me and ask me about hunting. Season started today, I'm going back out in about 15 minutes. If you get the credentials needed, you are welcome here. We'd probably be pretty good friends. Walking in the woods doesn't count, as any retard can find a 1 acre plot to walk in just about any state. I have about 70,000 acres of nothing where I live, and we don't use a GPS. If any of you wanty to learn the tradition of hunting that is my life, either email me or largefreakatzero...I'm sure that Andy, as well as myself, would be glad to introduce you to a lifetime of friendship, fun, and family tradition that you can pass down to your children.


Email me and I'll let you know what needs to be done. I'll even do all of the research for you.

-Jake (Hoser)
[Oct 31,2009 2:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
cool i'll shoot you an email (hehe) when i get a chance. probably wouldnt be able to be ready to do anything until next year because of all my band stuff going on. but yes i am interested in seeing what is involved.
[Oct 31,2009 4:29pm - Hoser ""]
Word. I'll help you, you have my word on that.
[Oct 31,2009 4:51pm - Martins ""]
See, that's a good Hoser.

I might email you on what it takes to get a gun license, a gun, and learn how to shoot it. I do eventually want to hunt but... baby steps.
[Oct 31,2009 5:01pm - blue ""]
[Oct 31,2009 7:49pm - Hoser ""]
Back off, faggot. Ear plugs are not only out of style, but also make you look like a trendy fag.
[Oct 31,2009 7:50pm - Hoser ""]
and...you still look fat and out of shape.
[Oct 31,2009 9:54pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I would love to spear hunt boars, but I think that is very out of fashion now
[Nov 1,2009 5:37am - Conservationist ""]

Hoser said:Some hunters give us all a bad name, especially Masshole hunters. We field dress our deer at the site of the kill and drag the deer home. Dunno what kind of idiots you deal with down there.

Cities do seem to breed this complete inability to do complex tasks that aren't social in nature, don't they?

Cities also breed liberalism.

Hoser's onto more than most would think!

Maybe that big bad industry, and Big Media, and lack of empathy that liberals like to talk about -- maybe these things have a common origin.

Maybe that origin is sticking several million individuals anonymously in the same place and then refusing to pitch out the shitheads, thus everyone adjusts to the LCD.

Pentti Linkola said something similar about fishing.
[Nov 1,2009 9:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
I don't hunt deer anymore, I'm a bird guy. Dressing a deer in the middle of railroad tracks for everyone to see is moronic. Unfortunately deer season does not attract the best and brightest. Though I make bad jokes on here to wind up the antis, I am an ethical hunter and I'm sure the Hose is as well.He's not kidding when he talks about gross infractions being committed by those with white plates and red letters. No it's not everyone from MA that is a blithering outdoor idiot - some guys are awesome. Just know that most stereotypes are based on some degree on truth.
I will look forward to woodcock and grouse hunting this afternoon and all day tomorrow.
[Nov 1,2009 11:41am - pam ""]

Hoser said:
FuckIsMySignature said:my heart only bleeds for you pam

Hey dickhole, I think that I made a very clear point in stating that cityboys like Massholes have no idea how to hunt ethically. No real hunter does what you stated that they were doing. We have an influx of Masshole hunters that come here and pull the same shit. Pam, I'm sorry to have offended you, you can hatefuck me later. It's the city morality that poses the real threat to our past time, not the men and women who founded it as a way to preserve their hunting heritage.


Hoser, you never offend me, try as you might. And if I hate fucked you, there'd be nothing left of you, and then who would tell rttp what whining liberal sissies they are?
[Nov 1,2009 11:44am - Conservationist ""]

largefreakatzero said:Just know that most stereotypes are based on some degree on truth.

[Nov 1,2009 1:22pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Nov 1,2009 3:08pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
[Nov 1,2009 3:56pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Lets skin some vag!
[Nov 1,2009 6:11pm - Hoser ""]

pam said:
Hoser said:
FuckIsMySignature said:my heart only bleeds for you pam

Hey dickhole, I think that I made a very clear point in stating that cityboys like Massholes have no idea how to hunt ethically. No real hunter does what you stated that they were doing. We have an influx of Masshole hunters that come here and pull the same shit. Pam, I'm sorry to have offended you, you can hatefuck me later. It's the city morality that poses the real threat to our past time, not the men and women who founded it as a way to preserve their hunting heritage.


Hoser, you never offend me, try as you might. And if I hate fucked you, there'd be nothing left of you, and then who would tell rttp what whining liberal sissies they are?

Fair enough, but I'd be willing to take you up on that bet anytime.

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