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Prince Solo from "While My Guitar Gentley Wheeps

[Nov 1,2009 3:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


Starting at 3:30

[Nov 1,2009 3:26pm - Martins ""]
Ya, he's supposed to be nasty though I don't think this is the extent of his ability. His Schecter signature/custom guitars are fucking sick looking haha.

is McCartney playing keys on this?
[Nov 1,2009 3:43pm - sinistas ""]
I dig the version from Concert For George a bit more, but it is pretty damn good.
[Nov 1,2009 6:35pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Nov 1,2009 6:52pm - blue ""]
Prince is a solid as hell player, though he is a bit too fond of them EMGs lulz
[Nov 1,2009 6:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 1,2009 6:59pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
re affirms my desire to have a tele one day.
[Nov 1,2009 7:14pm - Hoser ""]
Phenominal. I have a very new respect for him.
[Nov 1,2009 7:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
rad. prince rules.
[Nov 1,2009 10:25pm - sli sli sli  ""]
is that anthony buda playing rhythm guitar? kids in too many frickin bands
[Nov 2,2009 12:32am - substitutecreature ""]
prince is so awesome. all of his shit rules
[Nov 2,2009 12:52am - quintessence ""]
game bitches

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