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Why not get drunk on a Monday night

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[Apr 6,2004 12:07am - The_ExhumeD ""]
dont fuck with this post or poll its bullshit, I fucked up, yes I am drunk and fuck all the people who are going to give me shit about posting two posts... the post before this is correct
[Apr 6,2004 12:09am - moran ""]
I see nothing wrong with it.
[Apr 6,2004 12:26am - Abbath ""]
drink beer my fellow metal brother!!! \m/
[Apr 6,2004 12:30am - The_ExhumeD ""]
beer indeed, about eight budweiser then Im downing as molsen golden as well.... bottles of course
[Apr 6,2004 12:56am - Abbath ""]
GOOD MAN!! should be drinking sam adams though.....
[Apr 6,2004 6:05pm - retzam ""]

Again with the sam adams abbath???

[Apr 6,2004 6:12pm - JellyFish ""]
whats wrong with Sam Adams?
[Apr 6,2004 7:35pm - retzam ""]
I find its taste to be repulsive.
[Apr 6,2004 7:37pm - morkul ""]
It has it's moments.
[Apr 6,2004 7:37pm - phantos ""]
why wait till monady?...

shit... let's drink now.

I am off to the bar!
[Apr 6,2004 9:45pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
sam adams honey brown, damn fine shit

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