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Patrice O'Neal Appreciation

[Nov 11,2009 4:52pm - RevoPhil  ""]
I cant wait for this dude to come to Boston


[Nov 11,2009 5:24pm - narkybark ""]
Patrice is awesome and he's great on O&A too.
[Nov 11,2009 9:44pm - oscarct ""]

narkybark said:Patrice is awesome and he's great on O&A too.
[Nov 12,2009 1:54am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
He did come to Boston, Comics Come Home
[Nov 12,2009 8:56am - oscarct ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:He did come to Boston, Comics Come Home

hes from boston
[Nov 12,2009 9:34am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I fucking love Patrice O'Neal especially when he was always on Tough Crowd with Colin Quin. That was the best show on television ever (besides The Wire of course).

Anyway... the funniest shit I saw Patrice O'Neal do was on one of his HBO standups and talking about how black people always "want to go back to Africa to visit" but was saying that Africans HAAAAATE african americans. He then went on to say something like "Why the fuck would I want to go there anyway? So I can fight in some fucking cival war, walking around with a machete and wearing tuxedo pants with no shirt?"
[Nov 12,2009 7:11pm - IvoryandSteel ""]
he is my favorite comedian of all time!
[Oct 8,2010 1:13pm - oscarct ""]
[Oct 8,2010 1:38pm - narkybark ""]
fuck! I totally forgot about this :(
[Oct 8,2010 1:44pm - oscarct ""]

narkybark said:fuck! I totally forgot about this :(

2 shows tomorrow also
[Oct 9,2010 1:15am - oscarct ""]
Great show. He just talked shit to the crowd the whole time
[Oct 9,2010 8:30am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Wait, what? How come you dickheads didn't warn us ahead of time? I'd go.
[Oct 9,2010 8:55am - goatcatabisk  ""]
He's Oscar and Oscar is dreadfully racist.
[Oct 9,2010 1:00pm - oscarct ""]
[Oct 9,2010 4:11pm - amorok666 ""]
I like the bit he does about mike tyson rape-eating pussy
[Oct 9,2010 4:46pm - oscarct ""]
He told everyone "no,shut the fuck up" durimg the applause at the end of the show and walked out
[Nov 29,2011 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 29,2011 1:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yep. stroke
[Nov 29,2011 1:23pm - narkybark ""]
Yes, dead. Announced this morning.
[Nov 29,2011 1:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Nov 29,2011 1:28pm - narkybark ""]
Sucks. He was probably my favorite comedian. His insight into human nature was so spot on and he would always find a hilarious way to express it. Could be real vicious but he could also take it just was well as give it, which is why he's always so good on OnA. It's real creepy listening to segments of him on the radio because he very frequently would talk about his health and dying.

RIP big guy.

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