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Reasons why evolution is wrong

[Nov 19,2009 12:54am - aril  ""]
Haha This site convinced me the truth about the universe. No, really.


Some laughable gems:

"There are a billion Earth-like planets in our Milky Way Galaxy. It truly appears we are totally alone. The scientific evidence is absolutely overwhelming. These odds prove the Evolutionary Theory of Charles Darwin is false."

"Scientists a century ago believed the smallest single living cell was a simple life form. The theory developed that perhaps lightning struck a pond of water, causing several molecules to combine in a random way, which by chance resulted in a living cell. The cell then divided and evolved into higher life forms. This view is now proven to be immature to the degree of being ridiculous. The most modern laboratory is unable to create a living cell. In fact, scientists have been unable to create a single left-hand protein molecule as found in all animals. The Theory of Evolution claims that organic life was created from inorganic matter. That is impossible. The top scientists in the world with unlimited laboratory resources cannot change inorganic matter into a single organic living cell."
[Nov 19,2009 12:57am - swamplorddvm ""]
They always half assed arguments.
[Nov 19,2009 5:24am - mike_network ""]
a quote from one of the other biblelife.org sites:

Our Position Statement on Abortion

Abortion is the cruel and wanton murder of a living person. Abortion is the most evil sin that one could possibly commit. The mother, abortionist and supporting staff are all guilty. President Barack Obama supports the wanton murder of the unborn. As the leader of the world's most powerful nation, President Obama stands as the most evil person on Earth.

[Nov 19,2009 6:02am - BlackoutRick ""]
Retards. They just hate women.
[Nov 19,2009 8:11am - aril  ""]
One example is the motor and propeller propulsion system, called a bacterial flagellum, found in many bacteria, including the common E. coli. The propulsion system of the bacteria has 40 moving parts made from protein molecules, including a motor, rotor, stator, drive shaft, bushings, universal joint and flexible propeller. The motor is powered by ions and can rotate at up to 100,000 rpm. It can reverse direction in only 1/4 of a revolution and has an automatic feedback control mechanism. The size is 1/100,000 of an inch (1/4,000 mm) in width, much too small to see with the human eye. One cannot deny the obvious conclusion that this system has an Intelligent Designer. The evolutionists pray for an explanation to save the collapse of Darwinism. Creationism has become the true science, and Darwinism has degenerated into a a false religion, the worship of "father time."
[Nov 19,2009 8:18am - ouchdrummer ""]
Geeze Jim, that sounds suspiciously like an entry from a blog.
[Nov 19,2009 8:19am - aril  ""]
Yea. I have an intelligent design blog. Shit, my covers blown.
[Nov 19,2009 8:19am - Martins ""]
I pray to God everyday for evolution to be true.
[Nov 19,2009 8:20am - Martins ""]
the Worship of a Make-Believe Time-god. HAHAHA

Worship the TIME-GOD!
[Nov 19,2009 8:28am - Conqueer The Baphomet  ""]
Fuck you. This is life science right here. Fags.
[Nov 19,2009 8:42am - ouchdrummer ""]

mike_network said:a quote from one of the other biblelife.org sites:

Our Position Statement on Abortion

Abortion is the cruel and wanton murder of a living person. Abortion is the most evil sin that one could possibly commit. The mother, abortionist and supporting staff are all guilty. President Barack Obama supports the wanton murder of the unborn. As the leader of the world's most powerful nation, President Obama stands as the most evil person on Earth.


i had this dude (who was over to buy pot) telling me that B. Obama is possessed by the devil (literally) and that his plan is to let terrorists blow up new york city, then to announce that he's really an agent of islam come to kill all of the infidel.
[Nov 19,2009 8:52am - Not the DEA  ""]
Oh yea?
[Nov 19,2009 8:53am - metal_church101 ""]

ouchdrummer said:
mike_network said:a quote from one of the other biblelife.org sites:

Our Position Statement on Abortion

Abortion is the cruel and wanton murder of a living person. Abortion is the most evil sin that one could possibly commit. The mother, abortionist and supporting staff are all guilty. President Barack Obama supports the wanton murder of the unborn. As the leader of the world's most powerful nation, President Obama stands as the most evil person on Earth.


i had this dude (who was over to buy pot) telling me that B. Obama is possessed by the devil (literally) and that his plan is to let terrorists blow up new york city, then to announce that he's really an agent of islam come to kill all of the infidel.

LOL. What other stuff was he looking to buy?
[Nov 19,2009 9:28am - xmikex ""]
Evolutionists think that life evolved when Marty Jannetty power bombed Rick Martell into a lake of primordial ooze. How could that possibly be when the Bible clearly states the powerbomb was invented by Methuselah in 1600 BC?
[Nov 19,2009 9:29am - ouchdrummer ""]

metal_church101 said:
ouchdrummer said:
mike_network said:a quote from one of the other biblelife.org sites:

Our Position Statement on Abortion

Abortion is the cruel and wanton murder of a living person. Abortion is the most evil sin that one could possibly commit. The mother, abortionist and supporting staff are all guilty. President Barack Obama supports the wanton murder of the unborn. As the leader of the world's most powerful nation, President Obama stands as the most evil person on Earth.


i had this dude (who was over to buy pot) telling me that B. Obama is possessed by the devil (literally) and that his plan is to let terrorists blow up new york city, then to announce that he's really an agent of islam come to kill all of the infidel.

LOL. What other stuff was he looking to buy?

Other stuff? You mean besides pot?
[Nov 19,2009 5:11pm - patrick ""]
oh yeah I forgot .. "GOD" put us here...lets all thank him
[Nov 20,2009 7:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Just watch this. The whole bacterial flagellum is explained.


It's great. I've watched it a trillion times.
[Nov 20,2009 8:49pm - the_reverend ""]

BlackoutRick said:Retards. They just hate women.
richhorror found a religion?
[Nov 20,2009 10:18pm - dertoxia ""]
Someone brought a pamphlet into my work. It was for some guy who runs a Dinosaur fossil museum in Maine. It talked about how dinosaurs prove intelligent design since they were too complex to have evolved and must have been placed here to test our faith in god. Apparently he gives lectures with powerpoint presentations and everything.

I would love to watch a point-counterpoint session between this guy and someone who is sane.

We all got a good chuckle reading it.
[Nov 20,2009 11:08pm - the_reverend ""]
and the lord sayeth unto thee, that nigroid stoleth myne byciclesch.
[Nov 20,2009 11:14pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 24,2009 2:27pm - aril  ""]
Bump. Today is the 150th anniversary of darwins origin of species.
[Nov 24,2009 3:30pm - Martins ""]

aril said:Bump. Today is the 150th anniversary of truth.
[Nov 24,2009 6:04pm - LongDeadGod ""]

xmikex said:Evolutionists think that life evolved when Marty Jannetty power bombed Rick Martell into a lake of primordial ooze. How could that possibly be when the Bible clearly states the powerbomb was invented by Methuselah in 1600 BC?

this post is amazing.
[Nov 24,2009 9:07pm - franks of hells  ""]

swamplorddvm said:Just watch this. The whole bacterial flagellum is explained.


It's great. I've watched it a trillion times.

God dang this is anti family propaganda. Think they all fancy with ther book learnins. God is the only creator!

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