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Orphan (2009)

[Nov 27,2009 5:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
This movie was outrageously crazy. Some distubing shit happens in this flick. Great twist of an ending too. Recommended.

[Nov 27,2009 5:54pm - Trioxin245 ""]
saw this in theatres was actually quite impressed by the production quality. all in all a pretty damn good modern 'the good son' with some strange twists that really worked in its favor.
[Nov 27,2009 6:19pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Too bad so many fucking HORRIBLE movies have come out within the last 10 years that when I saw the trailer for this I put it up too more shitty movie filler and complete shit. It is too bad as I know I am not the only one who has given up on anything decent coming out.
[Nov 27,2009 6:26pm - the_reverend ""]
wait, but arent they remaking spaceballs, 2001, and alien? what more do you need that cgi-wiver.
[Nov 27,2009 7:34pm - archaeon ""]
I heard this was terrible
[Nov 27,2009 7:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the first part was slow but the hammer smashed face part was good. also i wished death upon most of the characters cuz they was dumb as shit.
[Feb 18,2010 3:47am - Pires ""]
Watching now. Slow beginning. Sloooooow.
[Feb 18,2010 5:58am - Pires ""]
Picked up towards the end. Not bad. Worth a rental from redbox I'd say.
[Feb 18,2010 8:44am - aaron_michael ""]
This movie wasn't half bad. I suggest you rent/pick up Joshua. The actress who plays the mother in Orphan is also the mother in this film and where it has it's differences you feel as though you're watching a darker version of The Orphan.

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