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BLACK metal FRIDAY sale all weekend at GuitarHeads.net - Kinda Neat

[Nov 28,2009 10:23pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Guitarheads is having a sale all weekend on guitarheads.net.

Full sets of active pickups for $50 a set, and more. Check it out. I've never played the active sets but I have a set of the hexbuckers and a set of Alnicos and they're worth the money.
[Nov 28,2009 10:24pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

[Nov 28,2009 10:26pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
[Nov 28,2009 10:29pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
to add:

the active sets are made by Artec, the same company producing the Dragonfire active pickups found on ebay. They also make pickups for GFS, and many generic oem pickups found stock in guitars.
[Nov 28,2009 10:57pm - blue ""]

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