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you know this country is idiotic when..

[Nov 30,2009 9:36am - aril  ""]
... shitty Vampire romance movies continue to win at the box office.
Anyone that saw that new moon movie on this board should be shot in the face repeatedly
[Nov 30,2009 9:37am - brian_dc ""]
cue thread of agreement with interspersed posts of excuses.
[Nov 30,2009 9:41am - pam ""]
I pirated it. When the shitty CGI werewolves showed up I laughed until I cried. So terrible.

You can shoot me in the face now.
[Nov 30,2009 9:41am - aril  ""]
Your arrested.
[Nov 30,2009 9:43am - pam ""]

brian_dc said:cue thread of agreement with interspersed posts of excuses.

I make no excuses. I enjoy watching hilariously bad movies.
[Nov 30,2009 9:43am - pam ""]

aril said:Your arrested.

My arrested what?

[Nov 30,2009 9:46am - xmikex ""]
Curt Menefee: I haven't seen the new Twilight yet, but I do have my Team Jacob pin.
Terry Bradshaw: What?
Menefee: Well, people at home know what I'm talking about.
Bradshaw: Yeah, my people don't.
[Nov 30,2009 9:46am - aril  ""]
PS: I love how many 14 year old pseudo goth girls these movies make. Nothing says being goth like wearing twilight shirts, dying your hair black, and listening to new AFI on repeat
[Nov 30,2009 9:51am - Martins ""]
There is a Twilight vibrator. I know this because I use it every day.
[Nov 30,2009 9:51am - aril  ""]
Not surprised.
[Nov 30,2009 9:52am - Martins ""]
Which part?
[Nov 30,2009 9:53am - brian_dc ""]
If he didn't specify, likely the entire statement.
[Nov 30,2009 9:54am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha my roommate got dragged there by his gf. hilarious.
[Nov 30,2009 9:55am - Martins ""]
There was a list on gizmodo or lifehacker something of the thirty most ridiculous twilight merchandise. It's kind of intense. Apparently the Twilight candy tastes good, according to the cashier at the Newbury Comics in Saugus.
[Nov 30,2009 9:55am - arktouros ""]
cookie cutter goths-in-training - they will be into black metal within a couple years.
[Nov 30,2009 10:06am - pam ""]
HAHAHAH, a friend of mine uses the "I sparkle" as an avatar and I never knew what it was from.

[Nov 30,2009 10:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arktouros said:cookie cutter goths-in-training - they will be into black metal within a couple years.

just in time for that varg movie to come out with that douche from twilight.
[Nov 30,2009 10:09am - aril  ""]
I could sure use some twilight underwear. Perhaps girls would dig that.
[Nov 30,2009 10:11am - g nli  ""]
RttP{Twilight and Dildos}
[Nov 30,2009 10:12am - g nli  ""]

arktouros said:cookie cutter goths-in-training - they will be into black metal within a couple years.

lol never knew someone could insult a whole music scene with one sentence.
[Nov 30,2009 10:13am - pam ""]

g%20nli said:
arktouros said:cookie cutter goths-in-training - they will be into black metal within a couple years.

lol never knew someone could insult a whole music scene with one sentence.

What are you new here? ;)
[Nov 30,2009 10:14am - g nli  ""]
lol ark's statement just made me giggle for some reason.
[Nov 30,2009 10:15am - aril  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
arktouros said:cookie cutter goths-in-training - they will be into black metal within a couple years.

just in time for that varg movie to come out with that douche from twilight.

so is that really happening?
[Nov 30,2009 1:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 30,2009 2:11pm - aril  ""]
[Nov 30,2009 2:13pm - brian_dc ""]
at this point, only Polka is real.
[Nov 30,2009 3:22pm - pam at school  ""]

aril said:........

It's not the douche you're thinking of, it's another one. There's at least that.
[Nov 30,2009 3:24pm - aril  ""]
anyone associated with that atrocity of a series is a douche.
[Nov 30,2009 3:27pm - pam at school  ""]
won't get an argument out of me there.
[Nov 30,2009 3:31pm - aril  ""]
UMD computer lab ftw?
[Nov 30,2009 3:32pm - pam at school  ""]
lol. yeah. I'm actually in class but I have nothing to work on because models and weather refuse to cooperate with me.
[Nov 30,2009 3:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd like to switch out the movie reel at some random theater with Cannibal Holocaust.
[Nov 30,2009 3:33pm - pam at school  ""]
I'm kinda hoping this teacher will just throw me out of class so I can go drop off my leave of absence request and go the fuck home. Wish me luck.
[Nov 30,2009 3:36pm - aril  ""]
they still using those shitty dells?

The only real Umd computer lab is in the basement of the library.
[Nov 30,2009 3:49pm - pam at school  ""]
I'm in the CVPA lab. It's a mac lab.

But yes, they are still using those shitty dells. I don't usually use computers there because typing on them makes me want to wash my hands with bleach.
[Nov 30,2009 3:51pm - aril  ""]
yea. getting what I call the new bedford disease isn't fun.
with each keystroke, my IQ drops a few points
[Nov 30,2009 3:54pm - Martins ""]
New Inbredford
[Nov 30,2009 5:08pm - patmeebles ""]

[Nov 30,2009 5:13pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 30,2009 7:20pm - immortal13 ""]
So true.
[Nov 30,2009 8:57pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 30,2009 9:23pm - the_reverend ""]
the rabbit tooth thing made me larff
[Nov 30,2009 10:40pm - dertoxia ""]
i still don't really know what Twilight even is. And i'm ok with it. I like when i completely miss trends and don't find out about stuff until its already past its prime.

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