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[Dec 4,2009 9:59pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Did you know there is a holiday in Cambodia?!
[Dec 4,2009 10:27pm - demondave ""]

It only takes a spark
To light the fatal flame

[Dec 4,2009 11:16pm - alexc ""]
i was listening to this the other day. i had totally forgot they did that cover.
[Dec 5,2009 9:41am - SkinSandwich ""]
Why I thought of this band out of the blue is beyond me. I had this record when i was a youngin'.
[Dec 5,2009 1:32pm - Czarnobóg ""]
Unholy Goatfucker has a split 7" coming out with this band Hellhunter from San Francisco. Apparently some of them are ex-Laaz Rockit. Heh.
[Dec 9,2009 4:54pm - the_reverend ""]
how id this food?

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