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attn: MORKUL

[Apr 9,2004 10:38am - litacore ""]
didja see this in Metal Update?:

DRUMMER wanted – Arizona death/ black metal band Demonicon seeks double
bass drummer - we have a rehearsal studio & 20 + original songs - we are
serious, dedicated, focused, experienced and driven - the type of drummer
we are seeking is: Pete Sandoval/ Steve Ashiem/ Dave Lombardo/ Paul
Bostaph/ Richard Christy – contact: Klive3666@aol.com
[Apr 9,2004 3:42pm - litacore ""]
bump for Pacific Standard Time
[Apr 9,2004 4:01pm - morkul ""]
Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it and I'll look into it.
[Apr 9,2004 4:03pm - litacore ""]
ya knever no
[Apr 9,2004 4:10pm - morkul ""]
You wouldn't happen to know where they said they were at? would you?
[Apr 9,2004 4:16pm - litacore ""]
nup. I just saw it in Metal Update and thought of ya
[Apr 9,2004 4:22pm - morkul ""]
Aw, how sweet. Atleast someone is thinking about my lame drummer ass.
[Apr 9,2004 4:23pm - litacore ""]

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