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ITT: Rusty sums it up

[Dec 6,2009 9:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Dec 6,2009 11:02pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
i agree!
we're really good in the sack!
[Dec 6,2009 11:18pm - RustyPS ""]
[Dec 6,2009 11:20pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]

[Dec 7,2009 12:55pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Give them sex
[Dec 7,2009 2:00pm - xmikex ""]
Rusty PRETENDING to fuck drummers.
[Dec 7,2009 2:09pm - arktouros ""]

M.F.BASTARD said:i agree!
we're really good in the sack!

seriously, you can't deny this...drumming and fucking are directly linked...it's science
[Dec 7,2009 2:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just find a homeless person who can hit some trash cans real nice like.
[Dec 7,2009 3:08pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Fuck you guys.
[Dec 7,2009 4:09pm - reimroc ""]
well fuck you guys too ^_^
[Dec 7,2009 4:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: guys fucking guys
[Dec 7,2009 4:15pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

ouchdrummer said:Fuck you guys.

It's not us, it's the tape deck talking!
[Dec 7,2009 4:21pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
So I guess becoming a drummer is the only way to win Rusty's love and manmeat?
[Dec 7,2009 4:24pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This is how it happened:

The tape began talking (probably cause we pushed play, and it was an audiobook) and told us to follow its evil spell. The words entranced us...

I began eating my own bass, consumed by the demonic spirit of the magnetic reels...

Rusty was taken over completely, and could only do what the lord Panasonic told him.
[Dec 7,2009 4:37pm - reimroc ""]

Doomkid%20nli said:So I guess becoming a drummer is the only way to win Rusty's love and manmeat?

a beer and a good back rub will get him purring like a kitten.
[Dec 7,2009 5:03pm - RustyPS ""]

reimroc said:
Doomkid%20nli said:So I guess becoming a drummer is the only way to win Rusty's love and manmeat?

a beer and a good back rub will get him purring like a kitten.

take note guys....it is just that simple
[Dec 7,2009 5:37pm - ouchdrummer ""]
you guys are gay.
[Dec 7,2009 5:41pm - RustyPS ""]
[Dec 7,2009 5:43pm - ouchdrummer ""]
tee hee

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