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The Road

[Dec 7,2009 7:38pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Is not showing in NH or MA

[Dec 7,2009 7:40pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
yes yes, besides Boston, and I refuse to travel to Boston to see this

I just read and article, not in VT or ME either
[Dec 7,2009 9:30pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i'm fucked out here in the midwest, guess i'll have to wait fo rthe DVD
[Dec 7,2009 9:38pm - KPanzer  ""]
Cormac McCarthy is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century
[Dec 7,2009 9:53pm - powerkok ""]
Not playing here either.....prolly cuz of this horrible faggot twilight shit. Cant lose money. Even if it means showing better films. Fuckin douches.
[Dec 7,2009 9:54pm - quintessence ""]
Seriously? isn't this a pretty large scale movie?
[Dec 7,2009 9:55pm - powerkok ""]
You would think.....Blame 'the blind side'
[Dec 7,2009 10:33pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

KPanzer said:Cormac McCarthy is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century

troof. Although i'm struggling to get through the Orchard Keeper, it doesn't hold my attention like others have
[Dec 8,2009 2:34am - sever ""]

quintessence said:Seriously? isn't this a pretty large scale movie?

The production company pulled it at the last minute and just did a small scale release.

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