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[Apr 10,2004 1:39am - retzam ""]
How do you get a picture on here that is not from a website, but straight off your harddrive?
[Apr 10,2004 2:00am - Kalopsia ""]
you can't. i already asked
[Apr 10,2004 2:04am - retzam ""]
That sucks. Aaron!!! Fix that dammit! Chop Chop!
[Apr 10,2004 2:51am - the_reverend ""]
nope, then people would post kiddie porn
[Apr 10,2004 11:50am - Wee...Bink! ""]
...just fuckin host it. register for some image hosting place
[Apr 10,2004 11:54am - anonymous  ""]
pour a glass of icewater on your keyboard and hit enter
[Apr 10,2004 12:36pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
wow anonymous... that was absolutely brilliant!
[Apr 10,2004 2:13pm - retzam ""]
I am so goddamn sick of this anonymous stuff. Is that statement really so offensive that you had to mask your identity? And rev, cmon, do you really think people would post kiddie porn? Do you know how much more kiddie porn there is on the internet than there is on people's computers? If I was so inclined I could go find a link to online kiddie porn right now, but I couldn't pull any off my harddrive, since I don't have any. How many people on here have kiddie porn on their harddrive (seriously guys, cmon)?
[Apr 10,2004 2:26pm - succubus ""]
actually, he was sorta joking...the real reason is that takes to much space on the server...i used to do it on my site and i stopped because aaron showed me just how much space it took...and it's his server...so if we upload things on here...then we're using his site...and yeah he could run programs to limit attachment sizes and such...but hosting it is pretty easy. There are a lot of free one's out there though.

ps: and i told him this too..since he did the "Anonymous" default thingy..everyone seems to be doing it more and more...
even though he allowed it before, people would at least post names...now it's more obvious and more people do it
[Apr 10,2004 2:27pm - succubus ""]
i was going to add, there's another thread on here where he explained more...kalopsia did ask the question before
[Apr 10,2004 2:27pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Word up, Retzam!
[Apr 10,2004 8:29pm - retzam ""]
Ok, that's all cool succubus, I understand now. I have a REALLY REALLY funny picture that I want to post so eventually I will get off my ass and get it on a server so I can link to it. It is seriously the greatest thing I have ever seen and I know all of you will laugh your asses off.
[Apr 10,2004 8:30pm - succubus ""]
i can host it for ya
[Apr 10,2004 8:42pm - retzam ""]
Oh cool! One minute, I will send it to you on aim.

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