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Hilarious picture of Mayhem from 83 or 84!!!!

[Apr 10,2004 9:00pm - retzam ""]

Carina and Aaron didn't think this was funny at all, but I find it hilarious!
[Apr 10,2004 9:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Apr 10,2004 9:03pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
They look liked Nirvana rejects.
[Apr 10,2004 9:03pm - retzam ""]
I can't get over Maniac in that picture, I crack up everytime I see it.
[Apr 10,2004 9:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
you can smoke dope in some certain Oslo pubs. why is that pic linked up to DU?
[Apr 10,2004 9:14pm - retzam ""]
Well, for a full explanation with chronology of events, you can refer to the thread entitled "Attn: ANYONE".

But, in short, Carina offered to host it for me.

Thanks again Carina (at this point I would insert the horns emoticon, but I am using quick response).
[Apr 11,2004 12:37am - the_reverend ""]
you didn't show it to me...
[Apr 11,2004 1:28am - succubus ""]
he didn't i did..idiot smartass
[Apr 11,2004 1:54am - phantos ""]
I don't think that is Mayhem...
in 84 they would be like 12.
if it is them, it has to be closer to '90.
I am an old fart.
[Apr 11,2004 4:55am - MyDeadDoll ""]
fucking hippies... or nirvana rejects works too. hehe
[Apr 11,2004 9:50am - retzam ""]
Phantos, it is definately Mayhem. They would only be 3 or 4 years younger than they are in that picture in the other thread of Euro and Necro in front of a car. Plus, it is unrecognizably Manheim and Maniac, and isn't that farfetched to assume that the other is Euronymous.
[Apr 11,2004 10:35am - Abbath ""]
wow not black metal at all ahahahahah
[Apr 11,2004 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
Øystein Aarseth
Aka "Euronymous"

so in 83=15 & 84=16

[Apr 11,2004 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
maniac? I thought he didn't come around til after everyone died?
[Apr 11,2004 10:41am - Abbath ""]
nah he was the first vocalist for the group
[Apr 11,2004 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
he sung on the morbid/mayhem split?
maybe it's csause he "came back" later or something.
[Apr 11,2004 11:02am - retzam ""]
Yeah, he did. Maniac was the singer for a while and his voice was one Deathcrush. Then Dead came along and the only official album that he was on is Live In Leipzig (which I havn't heard but I have been told it isn't very good at all). Then Dead died and I think Atila was on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas? Not sure. Anyway, after that they broke up but then Hellhammer reformed the band with their current line-up.
[Apr 11,2004 11:09am - dunwich ""]
I like Live in Leipzig quite a bit...it's a bit sloppy and rough around the edges but I think it suits them. I especially like Dead's vocals on that cd.
[Apr 11,2004 11:11am - retzam ""]
Dead's vocals have nothing on Maniac's old vocals!!!
[Apr 11,2004 11:11am - the_reverend ""]
live in leipzig has awesome songs, but the sound quality's a little poor.
[Apr 11,2004 11:18am - retzam ""]
Mayhem should probably be coming around these parts of the world soon. That's a show I definately don't want to miss.
[Apr 11,2004 11:24am - severmywrists ""]
hilarious! dude is that Dead on the far left hahaha
[Apr 11,2004 11:25am - retzam ""]
Nah, that's Manheim. Dead wasn't around at this point.
[Apr 11,2004 11:37am - severmywrists ""]
yeah i was kinda guessing that this was the first lineup without him haha cuz that certainly didn't look like him
[Apr 11,2004 11:42am - retzam ""]
I would laugh my ass off if that was Dead (actually, I did laugh my ass off, but I would still be laughing my ass off if it was Dead). I think he was always evil though. Tainted at birth I guess.
[Apr 11,2004 11:52am - severmywrists ""]
haha yeah i agree, i mean he would sleep in the forest for god's sake just 'cause euronymous was busy shooting rounds haha he definitely was evil at heart
[Apr 11,2004 2:01pm - Dissector ""]
The peace sign makes it.
[Apr 11,2004 4:06pm - JellyFish ""]
mayhem rules
[Apr 11,2004 7:41pm - retzam ""]
Dissector said:The peace sign makes it.

So true. Maniac in general makes it. Smoking a joint with one hand and making a peace sign with the other. Plus Manheim has that "I am soooo stoned man, like, whoaaaaaaaa, look at the treeeess man, that is awesssommmee" look on his face.
[Apr 11,2004 11:40pm - Abbath ""]
retzam said:Yeah, he did. Maniac was the singer for a while and his voice was one Deathcrush. Then Dead came along and the only official album that he was on is Live In Leipzig (which I havn't heard but I have been told it isn't very good at all). Then Dead died and I think Atila was on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas? Not sure. Anyway, after that they broke up but then Hellhammer reformed the band with their current line-up.

ya you're right about attila being on de mysteriss blah blah, he also does a special apperance on the live album mediolanum capta est, which has a great live set, the vocals and the music is near perfect (maniac does the vocals)
[Apr 12,2004 5:09pm - intricateprocess ""]
man........i used to think mayhem was spawned from the depths of hell. thats almost as harsh as when i found out Glenn Benton drives a ford focus. come on man, a focus? thats not even remotley satanic.....its white too.........at least barnes has a big creepy old bus, benton SHOULD have a coffin on wheelssss.....
[Apr 12,2004 5:09pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
That's NOT Maniac... He wasn't in the original lineup and didn't join until 86/87... The original lineup was (Left to right in this pic): Mannheim (drums), Necrobutcher (Bass/vocals), Euronymous (Guitar/vocals)... Messiah joined after Pure Fucking Armageddon, and was then replaced by Maniac.
[Apr 12,2004 9:13pm - retzam ""]
He is completely right! Now that I think about it, I don't know why I thought that was Maniac. It was a rather foolish thing to think.
[Apr 12,2004 9:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't like to say I told you so.. but...
[Apr 12,2004 9:24pm - retzam ""]
Rev, no one had died by the time Maniac came along *sticks out tongue*
[May 18,2004 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 19,2004 12:33am - Terence ""]
I got the new Mayhem album yesterday. After repeated listens...Ive come to the conclusion that the originators of the genre, are still the masters of their genre they created 20 years ago.

[May 19,2004 1:59am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

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