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So Saint 2 Sinner was almost nominated for a grammy?

[Jan 7,2010 6:52pm - SacNLI  ""]
They have the video on their myspace.

[Jan 7,2010 7:31pm - martins ""]
[Jan 7,2010 7:35pm - immortal13 ""]
So why exactly were you on their myspace again?
[Jan 7,2010 8:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
its too bad repost police is on a vacation
[Jan 7,2010 8:21pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Jan 7,2010 10:14pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Nowhere on there. What gives?
[Jan 8,2010 11:47am - Sacreligion ""]
I would never willingly go to their myspace, someone told my sister about it and she told me.

When the band says they were "almost nominated" I think it means that they submitted their stuff to the Grammy nomination committee or whatever. I could've farted into a mic, burnt it to a CD, sent it to them, and then said I was "almost nominated" for a Grammy.

And Jim, that video was worth it's own thread anyway...
[Jan 8,2010 11:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
At first i was nominated for a BET award

but then...

i was white :(
[Jan 8,2010 11:51am - arilliusbm ""]
Sac, I havent seen it. Is it worth the time?
[Jan 8,2010 11:53am - Sacreligion ""]
If you like laughing, yes.

It kinda made me dry heave the first time I watched it but it's totally worth it for Bova's vocals and soaring guitar tone.

[Jan 8,2010 11:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you had me at dry heave
[Jan 8,2010 12:01pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I went to their myspace and it shows their pictures and what they do ABOVE them. But at first glance I thought it said what they do BELOW their pictures. Under the singer chick's picture it says "guitars,vocals/rich bova". So at first I thought it meant she does guitars, vocals, and has sex with Rich Bova.
[Jan 8,2010 12:01pm - largefreakatzero ""]
They need to avoid close-up shots of their lead singer. She's pretty rough looking.
[Jan 8,2010 12:03pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'd still give her a thorough hate-fucking.
[Jan 8,2010 12:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
why is there a video titled "Business Talk"
[Jan 8,2010 12:05pm - ouchdrummer ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I'd still give her a thorough hate-fucking.

That's the DIETY Desserie you're talking about.
[Jan 8,2010 12:08pm - Sacreligion ""]
She upgraded from just a prodigy?
[Jan 8,2010 12:09pm - xmikex ""]
LOL checklist:

* Bova's vocals.
* "We just found out the album is gonna be distributed in Europe" Hey great job. Now let's take a poll of how many awful hardcore bands full of 19 and 20 year old kids have worldwide distro on their music.
* The artwork on the cd.
* Bova without facial hair.
*Bova introducing himself by his full name, as in THE Rich Bova.
* How fucking old is that bass player?
* The reiteration of another band of dudes way too old that never really got it, and thought they could bypass all the hard work that real bands do and "make it" just because they're that good.
* The news anchors talking about it in the same patronizing way they cover special ed school spelling bees.
[Jan 8,2010 12:11pm - xmikex ""]

ouchdrummer said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I'd still give her a thorough hate-fucking.

That's the DIETY Desserie you're talking about.

Hail Desiree, full of shred
[Jan 8,2010 12:13pm - Sacreligion ""]
We thought Desiree was walking on water until we realized she was buoyant.
[Jan 8,2010 12:18pm - Sacreligion ""]
The reaction of the newscasters should be on that LOL checklist, Mike. And the engineer pretending he knows how to record metal.
[Jan 8,2010 12:23pm - xmikex ""]

Sacreligion said:The reaction of the newscasters should be on that LOL checklist, Mike. And the engineer pretending he knows how to record metal.

Oh definitely. I went back and edited.

Oh, and Aril, if you're missing out on this you're missing out on a crucial part of the Bovanomicon.
[Jan 8,2010 12:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
There's a last second shot of two of the newscasters and they look like they're making the Beavis and Butthead "WTF is this?!" face.
[Jan 8,2010 12:25pm - Sacreligion ""]
But really, this band is like the Holy Grail of RTTP shit-talking.
[Jan 8,2010 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
[Jan 8,2010 12:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm convinced this band is not real and is actually an elaborate hoax to troll the entire new england metal scene.
[Jan 8,2010 12:49pm - SW  ""]
man he really shredded on that one fret
[Jan 8,2010 12:50pm - xmikex ""]
lazy effort but I'm supposed to be working here.

[Jan 8,2010 12:51pm - Sacreligion ""]
*slow clap*
[Jan 8,2010 9:27pm - metal_church101 ""]

martins said:First

[Jan 8,2010 9:34pm - metal_church101 ""]
this->Rich Bova = shredding god
[Jan 8,2010 10:02pm - ArilliusBM ""]
just watched the video.... hahahahahahhahahah
[Jan 8,2010 10:05pm - immortal13 ""]

xmikex said:LOL checklist:

* Bova's vocals.
* "We just found out the album is gonna be distributed in Europe" Hey great job. Now let's take a poll of how many awful hardcore bands full of 19 and 20 year old kids have worldwide distro on their music.
* The artwork on the cd.
* Bova without facial hair.
*Bova introducing himself by his full name, as in THE Rich Bova.
* How fucking old is that bass player?
* The reiteration of another band of dudes way too old that never really got it, and thought they could bypass all the hard work that real bands do and "make it" just because they're that good.
* The news anchors talking about it in the same patronizing way they cover special ed school spelling bees.

Don't forget beat looking female lead vocalists that think they're hot shit.
[Jan 8,2010 10:44pm - xmikex ""]
Don't forget the tech saying "Rock on happy campers!"
[Jan 8,2010 11:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ah god this is more terrible than i thought it would be
[Jan 8,2010 11:16pm - martins ""]
better than archaeon
[Jan 8,2010 11:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that goes without saying
[Jan 8,2010 11:24pm - metal_church101 ""]
I just watched that You Tube on their sight. Holy Shit. This is beyond comedy. I did get to hear the almight Bova speak on that.

All around, a good laugh. Now I just have to clean the shit out of my computer speakers.
[Jan 8,2010 11:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

metal_church101 said: Now I just have to clean the shit out of my computer speakers.

[Jan 9,2010 1:49am - xanonymousx ""]
i honestly thought bova was made up
[Jan 9,2010 1:51am - metal_church101 ""]

xanonymousx said:i honestly thought bova was made up

I hear ya. It's hard to comprehend a GOD being real for real.

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