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Vektor - Black Future

[Jan 8,2010 8:21pm - arktonaut  ""]

This shit is amazing prog thrash that makes Vovoid weak. I had no idea they just played in Allston.
[Jan 8,2010 8:22pm - arktonaut  ""]
[Jan 9,2010 2:28am - boblovesmusic ""]

arktonaut said:[img]

This shit is amazing prog thrash that makes Vovoid weak. I had no idea they just played in Allston.

don't worry you didn't miss them. Their van broke down and thus they didn't make it.
[Jan 9,2010 9:01am - Slag ""]
that is some of the coolest album art I have seen in forever.
[Jan 9,2010 9:46am - Ass Hole  ""]
Is this an album about Obama?
[Jan 9,2010 12:29pm - ArilliusBM ""]

arktonaut said:
This shit is amazing prog thrash that makes Vovoid weak. I had no idea they just played in Allston.

Yea man, this is a really good listen. But be careful with statements about making Vovoid weak... haha you might get shat on by a few people

Ass%20Hole said:Is this an album about Obama?

haha, good one. ozanips!
[Jan 9,2010 12:32pm - arktonaut  ""]

ArilliusBM said: haha you might get shat on by a few people

it's an attention getter. i've always thought vovoid was good but i hate the vocals.
[Jan 9,2010 1:14pm - dreadkill ""]
cool band, but yeah, saying it makes voivod weak is a statement no one should make. vektor wouldn't exist without voivod's influence. it's like saying "flavor of the month doom band makes black sabbath weak." or "random pizza thrash band makes old metallica/slayer/megadeth weak."
[Jan 9,2010 1:32pm - arktonaut  ""]
yeah their vovoid worship is obvious. all i know is this album rules.
[Mar 2,2010 6:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bump. Good stuff
[May 16,2010 10:51am - goatcatalyst ""]
this band fucking rules.

just found a link to their OOP self-released debut at the lockjaw blogspot (lockjaw-yappy.blogspot.com ... GREAT site! could keep you busy for DAYS)


1. Spiral Galaxy 01:13
2. Oblivion 04:35
3. Fast Paced Society 06:56
4. Venus Project 07:31
5. Destroying the Cosmos 07:15
6. Infiltration 00:56
7. Moonbase 12:55
8. Tetrastructural Minds 06:56

320 kbps

[May 16,2010 11:32am - Lich_King ""]
They're coming to Boston on July 11th. We have yet to find a venue but we're lookin'.
[May 16,2010 12:18pm - You would, Faggot  ""]
You would, faggot.
[May 16,2010 1:22pm - Lich_King ""]
we certainly would, You would, Faggot, we certainly would.
[May 16,2010 1:29pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
good luck Lichy!

(consider my idea too)
[Jul 12,2010 9:31am - arktouros ""]
yep, they sounded even better live.
[Jul 12,2010 9:39am - arilliusbm ""]
Usually the case for these kind of bands, at least imho.
[Jul 12,2010 10:03am - SkinSandwich ""]

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