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The Return of CODSO - "When Lucid"

[Jan 11,2010 10:55am - SW  ""]


In Case You Were Wondering
Just thought I'd post alil blogaroo about what's goin' on in the world of that shitbrick w/ a microphone. So yes, call me stupid, but I took the job back at my pizza place, Gabby's in Winchendon, and yes, we are looking for a second part time driver as well (Wedsdays and some extra help for the Friday rush at night, and the occasional Saturday), this way, I can get back to my music and whatnot. And if some of you Karaokeheads are wondering, I've been using the Spuney Mobile to raise the money for fixing my car, so that's why I haven't been out much.

So as far as music goes, I've been in the works w/ 2 projects. One is a a grundge band I've been playing bass for called The Naked Accomplice w/ my longtime friend, Spuney, on the drums. I'll tell ya', that SOB can whale like each drum fucked his wife or something. Which is why he's also involved in another project in the works called DUSH, which features him on drums, Tory Pagan on guitar, and for the time being Groovy Dan Farrell will be our recording bassist (not said in stone as far as live goes), and myself on Vox. DUSH isn't anything too-too (hense the band name), just a musical fuckbuddy really, but I feel it will give all of us a chance to do a few things we haven't had much of a chance to do in the past 10 years. Live, it'll be more of an unplugged act just to keep things casual, but who knows what else could come. But Spuney and I have always wanted to work together, it'll be a chance to perform some of the material I've been working on, for years I've wanted to do some kind of project for Tory to express his incredible guitar playing and writting, and hell, I'm sure Groovey could use an excuse to use that 8 string bass he just got. So keep you eyes out for some DUSH performances at open mics and maybe full sets one of these nights.

Also, sometime this year, I've also been invited by my musical big brother, Fred Nota or Escape to Everything, to do some guest apperances to an experimental album he's got in the works w/ all of our favorite East Boston locals. This sounds like it's gonna be pretty nasty, so check out his solo page for those details myspace.com/mikenota . And speaking Mr. Nota, I'd like to end off letting people know that he and I both came face to face w/ one of our biggest heros, Scooter Ward of Cold. That experience showed as a whole what being a songwritter is all about, you can read all about it in my latest blog on my personal page myspace.com/zackcodso .
[Jan 11,2010 11:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 11,2010 11:17am - xmikex ""]
Spuney Five.
[Jan 11,2010 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
FlightlessBird never came through. That dude lies in the same town as him and was going to harrass him at the pizza place. Fail.
[Jan 11,2010 11:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thank god Codso is back to bring much needed balance to a weakening new england music scene

sm: 120
[Jan 11,2010 11:49am - Pires ""]
Is it safe to assume "Dush" is actually supposed to be "douche"?
[Jan 11,2010 11:54am - i_am_not_me ""]
I think it's supposed to be Duhsh. A mentally challenged tribute to Rush.
[Jun 21,2012 10:16am - arilliusbm ""]
Singer looking for songs
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[Jun 21,2012 12:05pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]
[Jun 21,2012 2:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jun 21,2012 2:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

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