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Haiti Gets Fucked up by Earthquake

[Jan 13,2010 10:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think mother nature just got bored.


[Jan 13,2010 10:41am - arilliusbm ""]
That quake seems almost as bad as district 9 and avatar combined.
[Jan 13,2010 10:42am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
better storyline?
[Jan 13,2010 10:43am - boblovesmusic ""]
Man, this is reminding me of the tsunami back in 04. I was in arizona at the time with my family and literally that same day, a creek that was right next to our hotel turned into a huge raging mudslide-like river. It literally felt like the end of the world was upon us.
[Jan 13,2010 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]
think about the neighborhood in district9 and put 9 million people in that. That's haiti. Poor ass country that just got their ass handed to them.
Obama will be judged on his rections to this, no doubt. The UN already declared it a crisis, how much money would you want to throw into a country that struggles? Well find out soon.
[Jan 13,2010 10:47am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
hhaah the earth shakes in its might, these are as mere muscle spasms. The planet could destroy our hubris with our entire civilization on one fell motion.

I personally love this stuff, I hope hati burns to the ground and is rebuilt as a colony for american banking executives to work on sugar plantations.
[Jan 13,2010 10:49am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
but seriously California, now Hati, I think this could be global...if another one happens look to something epic.
[Jan 13,2010 10:52am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm waiting for yellowstone to erupt. It's be snowing ash all the way here, and millions would be dead instantly.
I love how the history channel hypes all these things up.
[Jan 13,2010 10:59am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

I'm not privy to how often quakes five and above happen but damn that's a lot around the world, and Haiti has been having like 5 mags four times a day or something
[Jan 13,2010 11:11am - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:think about the neighborhood in district9 and put 9 million people in that. That's haiti. Poor ass country that just got their ass handed to them.
Obama will be judged on his rections to this, no doubt. The UN already declared it a crisis, how much money would you want to throw into a country that struggles? Well find out soon.

I vote to burn the rubble and recolonize with less shitty inhabitants. Haiti has always been an epic shithole.
[Jan 13,2010 11:12am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yay more immigrants!
[Jan 13,2010 11:13am - Sacreligion ""]

arilliusbm said:how much money would you want to throw into a country that struggles? Well find out soon.

Isn't that what the IMF is supposed to do? Except they count the profits when all is said and done?

"We'll loan you some money to fix up your country after this horrible incident, but you're going to have to sell everything you produce to us for the next 50 years so we can sell you the same shit back for double the price."
[Jan 13,2010 11:17am - arilliusbm ""]
Yes sir. It's financial tyranny. What do you thinks going on in Iraq right now?
We must financially control every impoverished nation and take their resources. It's empiricism at its best.
[Jan 13,2010 11:18am - xmikex ""]
If something like this ever hit the Boston area my only hope would be that I'd be at work, and not inside my flimsy paper mache and plywood house.
[Jan 13,2010 11:21am - Sacreligion ""]
I've always heard that we're ripe for a nasty quake on some ancient fault line but I can't really picture that happening here. Boston would be FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKED though.
[Jan 13,2010 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 13,2010 11:25am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
graphic slideshow ftw


hard to tell which are before and which are after pics
[Jan 13,2010 11:26am - Sacreligion ""]

[Jan 13,2010 12:09pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Fuck Haiti, just throw more money at Israel
[Jan 13,2010 1:02pm - Ass Hole  ""]
World loses nothing, news at 10.
[Jan 13,2010 1:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Sacreligion said:I've always heard that we're ripe for a nasty quake on some ancient fault line but I can't really picture that happening here. Boston would be FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKED though.

One of the biggest faultlines in New England runs right down the middle of the Merrimack river.
[Jan 13,2010 1:42pm - dertoxia ""]
I would hope Bostons buildings would hold up better than the non-reinforced shanties of Haiti
[Jan 13,2010 1:50pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'd worry about the ground Boston is on before the buildings.
[Jan 13,2010 1:50pm - dertoxia ""]
oh yeah, also..........2012!!! THE MAYANS WERE RIGHT!!!! EVERYONE RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!
[Jan 13,2010 1:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
there wont be an earthquake in boston until the bruins win the cup
[Jan 13,2010 1:55pm - dreadkill ""]
i heard rich bova farted in the general direction of haiti after the haitian prime minister told him to turn his amp down
[Jan 13,2010 1:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
no he's just clearing space for his new island recording studio
[Jan 13,2010 1:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is how its done in the biz
[Jan 13,2010 2:01pm - dreadkill ""]
i heard his fart was almost nominated for a haitian grammy
[Jan 13,2010 2:40pm - arktouros ""]
"Pat Robertson has announced the reason for this disaster: the Haitian people made a deal with the devil to free themselves from the French."
[Jan 13,2010 2:44pm - arilliusbm ""]

dreadkill said:i heard his fart was almost nominated for a haitian grammy

Haitian Grammy = sticks and grass sewn together
[Jan 13,2010 2:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
Who cares Hispanola was already split in two before this.
[Jan 13,2010 8:53pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
obama: "we will now give haiti free access to healthcare and free housing in lynn and lowell mass"

but i'm calling that he opens the borders to them for some time period for free citizenship
[Jan 13,2010 8:55pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

boblovesmusic said:Man, this is reminding me of the tsunami back in 04. I was in arizona at the time with my family and literally that same day, a creek that was right next to our hotel turned into a huge raging mudslide-like river. It literally felt like the end of the world was upon us.

DUDE, I was fucking there when that mudslide shit happened! I have a bunch of pictures from it. Were you in Sedona? I distinctly remember eating a breakfast burrito with my family watching the tsunami footage on the news.
[Jan 13,2010 9:32pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
boblovesmusic said:Man, this is reminding me of the tsunami back in 04. I was in arizona at the time with my family and literally that same day, a creek that was right next to our hotel turned into a huge raging mudslide-like river. It literally felt like the end of the world was upon us.

DUDE, I was fucking there when that mudslide shit happened! I have a bunch of pictures from it. Were you in Sedona? I distinctly remember eating a breakfast burrito with my family watching the tsunami footage on the news.

Yeah! I was in Sedona! It was crazy! I have some pictures as well. Remind me later, I'll upload them!
[Jan 13,2010 10:17pm - arktonaut  ""]
[Jan 19,2010 11:45pm - Melba_Toast ""]
[Jan 19,2010 11:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

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