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[Jan 13,2010 2:48pm - reimroc ""]
yea i know its a silly label. i am aware of all the well known/semi-well known bands in this genre but I'm looking for more that I haven't heard of or forgot about.

Hook a musically interested brotha up!
[Jan 13,2010 2:49pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
[Jan 13,2010 2:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
a great educational show in the 70s called schoolhouse rock. You can learn all about math and rock out at the same time
[Jan 13,2010 2:50pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Calculate your riffs or you're a S.P.E.D.
[Jan 13,2010 2:50pm - reimroc ""]
[Jan 13,2010 2:52pm - blue ""]
Fucking BRAID motherfuckaz
[Jan 13,2010 2:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
oh my god this isn't 4/4, it must be math rock!
[Jan 13,2010 2:54pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm quite found of this band, this song:

[Jan 13,2010 2:55pm - RustyPS ""]
did you know 2 + 2 does NOT equal 4? who woulda thunk it?
[Jan 13,2010 2:55pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:oh my god this isn't 4/4, it must be math rock!

math rock, prog rock its all the same.
[Jan 13,2010 2:57pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

RustyPS said:did you know 2 + 2 does NOT equal 4? who woulda thunk it?

It equals siq breakdown!!11
[Jan 13,2010 2:57pm - arktouros ""]
A Life Once Lost - The Fourth Plague: Flies
[Jan 13,2010 2:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
just listen to gordian knot
[Jan 13,2010 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
shipping news, slint, june of 44.
[Jan 13,2010 2:58pm - arktouros ""]
[Jan 13,2010 3:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said: a great educational show in the 70s called schoolhouse rock. You can learn all about math and rock out at the same time

Conjunction junction, what's YOUR function?
[Jan 13,2010 3:06pm - reimroc ""]
you guys done crying over a label?
[Jan 13,2010 5:19pm - BlackoutRick ""]

arktouros said:A Life Once Lost - The Fourth Plague: Flies

Wicked Meshuggah worship.
[Jan 13,2010 5:22pm - RustyPS ""]

BlackoutRick said:
arktouros said:A Life Once Lost - The Fourth Plague: Flies

Wicked Meshuggah worship.

not on that one....every release after that, yes...but not that one or Open Your Mouth For the Speechless
[Jan 13,2010 5:23pm - Arctopussy  ""]
Behold...The Arctopus-Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Sommoning
[Jan 13,2010 5:40pm - narkybark ""]
[Jan 13,2010 5:54pm - martins ""]
Mercury Program
Mirthkon (sort of)
[Jan 13,2010 6:01pm - immortal13 ""]
A Life Once Lost, Ion Dissonance, and meshuggah are a few examples of mathy bands I listen too. I wouldn't mind getting into more though.
[Jan 13,2010 6:10pm - reimroc ""]
i know you guys hate labels but when i said math rock i meant math ROCK not math metal/prog metal.

my library is already chocked full of technical/prog/math/whatever the fuck genre you want metal
[Jan 13,2010 6:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Oh yea? How much prog u got?
[Jan 13,2010 6:37pm - immortal13 ""]
Never heard them, but for prog rock I've been hearing that The Sound of Animals Fighting is pretty good.
[Jan 13,2010 6:42pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:Oh yea? How much prog u got?

more progressive than a democratic convention


[Jan 13,2010 6:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
do you want older prog recommendations?
[Jan 13,2010 6:54pm - martins ""]
I do
[Jan 13,2010 6:55pm - reimroc ""]
i already have all the king crimson, yes, cream, frank zappa, rush, ELP and the like i need.
[Jan 13,2010 6:56pm - martins ""]
Where's a good place to start with King Crimson. I only have Fragile from Yes, too. Any other suggestions?
[Jan 13,2010 7:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
There's a lot moar than that.

Martins, If you haven't heard in the court of the crimson king, their first album, do it now. Can't think of a more important album to own from that time period.
[Jan 13,2010 7:07pm - reimroc ""]
Well when I made this thread I was looking for 80s-90s prog/math rock. Sort of what you would call the "new wave" of the genre.

Anyways being a fan of classic rock forever 60s-70s is definitely the place to start. KC's In the Court, Lizard, Lark Tongue, Starless and Red will give you a great feel what what that band was all about and the wide range of influences they had. Moving on to Yes. Fuck I love this band. Loved them since my extremely christian(LOL) friend introduced me to them in the 6th grade. Basically everything from Yes to Close to the Edge are must listens although a lot of their later work is just as good its just nothing can compare to the songs they created in those years. Other good albums are Relayer, Drama, 90125 and Talk.
[Jan 13,2010 7:27pm - blue ""]
Lulz at tech metal bands being suggested in a math rock thread.
[Jan 13,2010 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]

immortal13 said:A Life Once Lost, Ion Dissonance, and meshuggah are a few examples of mathy bands I listen too. I wouldn't mind getting into more though.
[Jan 13,2010 8:46pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 13,2010 8:48pm - reimroc ""]
already knew of Jo44 and Slint
[Jan 13,2010 8:50pm - the_reverend ""]

A minor Forest

Q and not u's Soft Pyramids
[Jan 13,2010 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
Nation Of Ulysess
[Jan 13,2010 8:54pm - the_reverend ""]
jawbreaker, jawbox

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