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Google Being attacked by China

[Jan 14,2010 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 14,2010 2:53pm - reimroc ""]
A ghost in the shell? Better believe it.
[Jan 14,2010 3:09pm - demondave ""]
I'm surprised that I didn't hear about this right away. (their post was two days ago). I'm glad you posted the link.

I'm not surprised that China has hacking tanks set up. I don't think anyone is. I'm pleased to see that google is responding to this instead of rolling over on censorship like they did when they went into China. Clearly they are rethinking their decision.

[Jan 14,2010 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
they attack this site at least 5000 times a day.
and I'm UNDER estimating there.
[Jan 14,2010 3:11pm - Sacreligion ""]
They probably just attack rttp to get turned on.
[Jan 14,2010 3:12pm - xmikex ""]
China: Stopping at nothing to obliterate humanity since forever.
[Jan 14,2010 3:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Humanity: natures most devastating natural disaster...

i saw that on the back of shirt last night
[Jan 14,2010 3:26pm - metal_church101 ""]
China: Stop trolling this board!!!
[Jan 14,2010 3:52pm - not china  ""]

Mr. CEO, I just got an email from a huge Chinese company and they want us to do business with them and soon.

[Jan 14,2010 3:53pm - goatcatalyst ""]

the_reverend said:they attack this site at least 5000 times a day.
and I'm UNDER estimating there.

Sometimes I like to eat the rangoons and post things as news that may not necessarily be newsworthy. Sometimes up to 5000 times a day. Sorry, Rev.
[Jan 14,2010 3:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 14,2010 5:00pm - reimroc ""]
rttp is china

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