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NEW RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT on Humanity's Plague Prod.

[Jan 15,2010 8:21pm - Humanity‘s Plague Prod.  ""]
We are extremely proud to announce the latest addition the the horde...HATS BARN from France.
One look at the name, one might dismiss this as an absurd moniker. Upon translation from Norwegian to English, it translates to "Sons of Hate"...and upon listening to their latest release "Primitive Humans Desecration", a more apt moniker can not be truer. Their very essence is a call for human genocide.  Their sound harkens back to that of the notorious Black Circle (Mutillation, Belketre,Torgeist, Vlad Tepes) with a slight hint of early Swedish BM (ala early Marduk)...raw, misanthropic and maniacal.  This is not music...this is a vehicle commited to the annhilation of humanity... Hear them at:


An April/May release is expected...
[Jan 15,2010 8:22pm - beelze ""]
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 16,2010 12:00am - boblovesmusic ""]
what a bizarre band name... I like!
[Jan 17,2010 8:16am - Humanity�s Plague Prod.  ""]
[Jan 17,2010 9:25am - Bloodsoaked  ""]
Another sick release from HPP.
[Jan 17,2010 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
you should put the band name in the subject on things like this so that I can't link it into my news feed that gets picked up by other sites.

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