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New thrash band The Bloodless Gods

[Jan 15,2010 11:08pm - Gabe_Horn  ""]
Hey this is Andy formerly from Random Acts of Violence. I got a new band out of western MA called The Bloodless Gods. We're looking for gigs and a 2nd guitar player. Check it out playa.

The Bloodless Gods
[Jan 15,2010 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
i was just thinking about you yesterday. weird. msg the metal thursday myspace.
[Jan 15,2010 11:40pm - arktouros ""]
wow, awesome stuff. "Bad Day in Gotham" haha..how bad was it?
you guys have vocals yet?
[Jan 16,2010 8:15am - deadlikemurf ""]
fuck yeashhhhhhhhhhhhh. i'll be calling you soon schnitz to get you blokes on something in town.
[Jan 16,2010 8:56am - Gabe_Horn  ""]
Terrible day. It was a working title that stuck. I'm doing the screaming for now but I'm not apposed to having a seperate vocalist.

[Jan 17,2010 12:24am - neverpurified ""]
Dang Oldberg

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