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Just for the hell of it.

[Jan 19,2010 3:24pm - beelze ""]


For those of you that don't know. This is the new Gorgoroth album, minus Gaahl and King. Pest is back on vocals, this album is undoubtedly one of the best metal albums of 09'.
[Jan 19,2010 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
Gaahl was by far the worst thing that ever happened to them. that infamous DVD from Poland would have been 100000 times better with Pest. Gaahl can stick to baahls.
[Jan 19,2010 3:28pm - beelze ""]
I agree with you 100% Gaahl sounds like a cat dying when he sings. He is absolutely horrendous live and has no stage presence as well. Pest is a maniac hopefully you've seen the old Gorgoroth vids from Germany in like 95' or something, he acts like he's possessed tongue lashing and shit.
[Jan 19,2010 3:36pm - beelze ""]


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