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Moving Cross Country

[Jan 24,2010 12:22pm - johnvanveen  ""]
so come the fall me my gf and her friend and our two cats, are planning on moving to porland. them for school ill be out by then and looking for a career in marketing.
just wondering if anyones done this and best/cheapest way, advice, ideas?
we dont have a ton of furniture mostly a few matress's desk, dresser, etc.
was thinking of heading there in the summer to scout out a place to live then come back here and drive out taking one car and prolly gonna sell/trade for a decent van.

were thinking of shipping stuff but wondering on freight prices and if its worth it. vs buying a cheapish van that will make it there.

tHanks Jvv
[Jan 24,2010 12:46pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Jan 24,2010 12:49pm - johnvanveen  ""]
haha not MAINE ......portland, oregon....
maine tho is great havent been there sence last summer
[Jan 24,2010 12:53pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
laern to sepll Hippie!
[Jan 24,2010 12:55pm - xgodzillax ""]
craigslist portland. cheap. the only good thing about portland is burnside. /end
[Jan 24,2010 3:26pm - ancient master  ""]
i heard portland is the new allston
[Jan 24,2010 3:33pm - revnon  ""]
ask brad: http://www.returntothepit.com/profiles.php?nickname=IllinoisEnemaBradness
he just moved to Illinois from here.
[Jan 24,2010 3:41pm - reimroc ""]

ancient%20master said:i heard portland is the new allston

[Jan 24,2010 6:12pm - Lamp ""]
When I moved to North Carolina, I brought what I felt was necessary on the first trip and filled up my car. On visits I would bring a bit more stuff down. The last time I was visiting I knew I was coming back so I brought a bit of stuff in advance. When I moved back here, I sold some stuff and basically didn't spend a hell of a lot of time looking for smaller things so I could get the fucking hell out of there as fast as possible. I never brought any furniture either way though, mostly just clothes, guitar stuff, and a TV.
[Jan 24,2010 9:26pm - Slag ""]
portland is clean, the water is crisp, temperate, great food, hot women, no metal scene however, rains a shit ton
[Jan 25,2010 12:43am - are you serious?  ""]

Slag said: no metal scene however

Lord Gore(rip)
Winter of Apokalypse
Thy Infernal
Whore.....and so on and so on......... Yea no metal scene whatsoever haha!
[Jan 25,2010 9:50am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Not all are from Portland but add Aldebaran, YOB, and H.C. Minds to that list.
[Jan 25,2010 9:53am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Also, more people should be talking about Aldebaran. Easily one of the best (Lovecraftian) U.S. doom bands.
[Jan 25,2010 10:42am - Yeti ""]
more people should be talking about Alderaan and how it was mercilessly destroyed.
[Jan 25,2010 10:44am - c.dEad  ""]
Shit yeah! Murder Basket, Murdergod, Warhate....some of the best shit.
[Jan 25,2010 10:52am - Not the real Hoser  ""]
Don't forget my boyfriends in Agalloch!
[Jan 25,2010 11:04am - Slagadoccio  ""]
There are very few shows in Portland. I went there last year. I looked far and wide for a single metal show throughout the city. There were ZERO that I knew of... and talking to some well established folks that had lived there for some time, they had heard of none.
[Jan 25,2010 12:55pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
A friend of mine from high school moved to Portland a year or two ago and said most shows tend to be in basements, gallery spaces and the like. At least the ones that are worth going to.
[Jan 25,2010 1:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Yeti said:more people should be talking about Alderaan and how it was mercilessly destroyed.
I luv u.
[Jan 25,2010 1:26pm - bradness nli  ""]
I had 3 bedrooms and the usual other stuff. we rented a 20 something foot Penske box truck with a 4 wheel trailer to tow a car for under 500. book it far in advance and they hook u up

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