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[QUOTE="Jonahatwork:1033082"]HELLO HEADBANGERS, Catch THIS IS SPINAL TAP at the Coolidge Theater the first weekend in Feb! February 5th with RAMMING SPEED (playing TAP songs, tunes that inspired the film, and a few mind melting originals) February 6th with RAZORMAZE (playing a set of thrashing face rippers) $10 general / $8 members CLICK HERE TO ORDER: http://coolidge.org/node/2567 (where it says tickets at the bottom) Documentary film maker Marty DiBergi puts his unflinching camera lenses on the loudest band in the history of rock and roll - British heavy metal gods Spinal Tap! This is the film that cuts to the soul of a group that influenced countless modern bands, from Anthrax to Ramming Speed. Join David St. Hubbins, Nigel Tufnel and Derek Smalls as they tour the United States, jumping from hotel to hotel, million dollar party to green-room junk food, rock arena to the Air Force’s “at ease weekend”. Watch the spectacle of an 18”-high Stonehenge replica, a collection of guitars and amps that would make Jack White weep (including the famed one that no one can even breathe on) and spandex pants unable to withold the bursting virility within each member of the Tap! DiBergi was lucky enough to have an all-access pass for their infamous comeback tour, and now we are forever able to reap the benefits of his fortune. Twenty-six years after its original run, This is Spinal Tap returns to Boston minus a few drummers but without missing any of its classic hilarity. Join us in a grand celebration with a very special live preshow and plenty of fun for all! dir. Martin DiBergi, w/Martin DiBergi, David St. Hubbins, Nigel Tufnel, Derek Smalls, 1h22m, 35mm[/QUOTE]
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