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ENDGYA signs to Victory Records

[Feb 2,2010 4:06pm - Doomkid ""]
I don't particularly like this band, but my cousin is the guitarist so I'm obliged to do this. Enjoy or shit on, whatever strikes your fancy:

"Endyga Signs to Torque and Victory Records!
That's right! The time is finally here where all of the hard work is starting to pay off! About an hour ago all negotiations were met and Endyga officially signed to Torque and Victory Records! We are currently in Boston for the next month and a half recording our full length album that will be releasing worldwide this summer (2010)! We are so so excited and there is so much to come! New Promo's, New Myspace, New band member, New songs! Everything will be taking off fairly quickly so expect to see a lot of changes very soon! We love you all and thanks for all the countless support!


[Feb 2,2010 4:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
I thought thus said Enya :'(
[Feb 2,2010 4:18pm - Doomkid ""]
That would have been better.
[Feb 2,2010 4:21pm - RustyPS ""]
just pretend the DG isn't there
[Feb 2,2010 4:57pm - the_reverend ""]
they spelled gay wrong?
[Feb 2,2010 4:58pm - Doomkid ""]
[Feb 2,2010 5:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm just shocked that a relative of you would spell that wrong.
[Feb 2,2010 5:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Where was this pigfucker when we needed tour help?

I will fight his band with my fists.
[Feb 2,2010 5:10pm - Doomkid ""]
He was busy being 17 and in a shitty emo band at the time? "Tears from Monday" or something like that.
[Feb 2,2010 5:16pm - reimroc ""]
i thought atreyu wasn't around anymore.
[Feb 2,2010 5:18pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Feb 2,2010 5:23pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Doomkid said:He was busy being 17 and in a shitty emo band at the time? "Tears from Monday" or something like that.

But but but but

That was our target audience!!!
[Feb 2,2010 5:29pm - Archaeon ""]
Almost good, chugs ruin any band like this.

Shai Hulud > Every band that wishes they were Shai Hulud
[Feb 2,2010 5:30pm - Archaeon ""]
I take that band this doesn't really sound like Shai. More like new underoath except way worse.
[Feb 2,2010 5:33pm - xanonymousx ""]
would easily be confused to dance music at the club.
some interesting chord changes but whatever. is that auto tune :puke fucking face:
[Feb 2,2010 5:34pm - xanonymousx ""]
actually sorta miserysignal esk too.
[Feb 2,2010 7:48pm - Doomkid ""]

Archaeon said:Almost good, chugs ruin any band like this.

Shai Hulud > Every band that wishes they were Shai Hulud

That was my exact feeling. I was like "Sweet, Jordan has a good band!" then...

chug chug chug chug
scream scream
chug chug chug chug

Plus I negatively judge any band that doesn't include their lyrics on their myspace.
[Feb 3,2010 2:00pm - SteveSummoned ""]

Hahahaha Bleeding Cowboy font.
[Feb 3,2010 2:39pm - boblovesmusic ""]
ambient? what ambient is there?
[Feb 3,2010 2:41pm - boblovesmusic ""]
needs more autotune hehe
[Feb 3,2010 3:48pm - RustyPS ""]
sounds like your average everyday metalcore band today with some Shai Hulud influence mixed in
[Feb 3,2010 4:34pm - reimroc ""]

reimroc said:i thought atreyu wasn't around anymore.
[Feb 3,2010 7:49pm - joeycobra ""]

SteveSummoned said:[img]

Hahahaha Bleeding Cowboy font.

Note the chubby kid who sticks out like a sore thumb.....he's not shown in the current line-up.

Kick out chubby kid in band....sign to victory records...success.
[Feb 3,2010 10:24pm - RustyPS ""]

joeycobra said:
SteveSummoned said:[img]

Hahahaha Bleeding Cowboy font.

Note the chubby kid who sticks out like a sore thumb.....he's not shown in the current line-up.

Kick out chubby kid in band....sign to victory records...success.

so what you're basically saying is you and I are both fucked on this deal....THANKS A LOT JOEY
[Feb 4,2010 2:04am - Sacreligion ""]
I heard a rumor that Victory likes to do bands in their buttocks.
[Feb 4,2010 10:02am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Just checking in to make sure somebody made the "Endgay" joke, it's been bothering me for days.
[Feb 4,2010 10:05am - reimroc ""]
actually that chubby dude is the new member. so rejoice, mainstream record labels are big friendly.
[Feb 4,2010 10:24am - joeycobra ""]
psssh then they are going nowhere. They need to get that kid a stylist and personal trainer.

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